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PC Processors

Journeyman III


Buenas tardes, tengo un AMD Ryzen 2700, y cuando los C-States están activados se produce un ruido muy parecido al que hacen los discos duros mecánicos cerca de la CPU. Si desactivo C-States, el problema desaparece por completo. He probado a quitar la GPU, he cambiado de PSU, he probado un Live CD de Ubuntu, y en todos los casos el ruido no desaparece teniendo C-States activado. He contactado con Gigabyte (Aorus x470 Ultra Gaming) y me comentan que si con la otra PSU sigue el problema, que tramite la garantía de la placa base.

Alguien tiene un problema parecido? y sabe si es un problema de la placa base o de la CPU?

Muchas gracias.

1 Reply
Journeyman III

Good afternoon, I have an AMD Ryzen 2700, and when the C-States are activated there is a noise very similar to that made by mechanical hard drives near the CPU. If I deactivate C-States, the problem disappears completely. I have tried to remove the GPU, I have changed PSU, I have tried an Ubuntu Live CD, and in all cases the noise does not disappear with C-States activated. I have contacted Gigabyte (Aorus x470 Ultra Gaming) and they tell me that if the other PSU follows the problem, that the motherboard warranty is processed.

Does someone have a similar problem? and do you know if it's a problem with the motherboard or the CPU?

Thank you very much.