so i have this r3 2200g apu. when i power on my pc system fans run, even the rgb on the ram starts to glow but my cpu fan doesn't work. in fact the cpu debug led in the motherboard is lit on... after turning off and on for sometimes cpu finally started but the cpu temp is still unstable like reaching 60s then coming down to 40s then again going to 50s and reducing to 30s
Need a little more info on your system... Like motherboard, power supply, etc...
motherboard is msi b450m pro m2v2. psu is a normal 450 watt non branded
motherboard is msi b450m pro m2v2... using a stock cooler that came with the casing, non branded 450 watt...
shaafiqurraahim, you need to make sure the CPU fan runs continuously. Without cooling the CPU will be damaged very quickly. Please solve that problem first. Good luck and enjoy, John.
cpu doesn't even starts bro... the cpu debug led lights on when this happens.. and only the ram and the case fans run.. mouse keyboard cpu fan do not response at all...