I would have thought that the people at AMD would know better by now.
The very first instruction to reviewers should have been, "Only use Windows 10 for your reviews of the 9000 Series of CPUs and NOT WinTel 11".
But let's see the difference between someone who is competent with Ryzen and someone who obviously isn't.
Let's turn to the God-King of overclocking, Der8auer.
He got his 9950X, delidded it, applied liquid metal, and then did direct-die cooling and this was his result; his ambient room temp is also about 5 degrees Celsius lower than mine:

His CineBench R23 score was 44599, his power draw was 289.6 Watts and his temp was 94 degrees Celsius.
So what can a no-name rando lowlife such as myself possibly do to compete with the overclocking maestro?
Thank you for asking gentle reader, and I would answer with this:

And here are the stats for that run:

Of course, I did none of those fancy, delidding, liquid metal, direct die, things like Der8auer. All I did was slap my CPU into the socket and whacked on my cooler, like a pleb, (well that, and of course knowing how to configure Ryzen, and running on Windows 10, didn't hurt).
That being said, compared to Der8auer, my score is around 3.9% higher, my power draw is 20.5% lower, and also my temperature is 11% lower than his.
If we take the temperature delta into account (CPU temp minus ambient temp), Der8auer would be at 69 degrees Celsius and I would be at 53.6 degrees Celsius, then my temp would be 22.5% lower than his.
I did find that the latest beta BIOS I was using (AGESA Patch A) still has some ragged edges. Nothing that affected stability per se, but certainly something that will show increased performance in the future.
Sadly, the reviews of the Tech Media/YouTubers of the 9000 Series of AMD CPUs has continued the devolution to the level of glorified infomercials shown in the past generations of Ryzen CPUs.