Since I built my new PC, I've been worried about the CPU temperatures and wanted to ask if my temperatures are in the normal range.
So in general my temperatures are idle between 45-55 ° C and if i run cinebench r23 they are around 57-64 ° C (multi core) and 67-70 ° C (single core).
My first question is if this behavior is normal or if my temperatures are too high?
Today I also noticed that when I'm at 20% load my CPU clocks at 4.5 GHz (said in taskmgr) but my temps rise to 90 ° C
So I did a short test and started Prime95 with 5 threads and small FFT's and I was able to observe 90 ° C again.
So my second question is whether this behavior is also normal for a 5950x and whether 90 ° C is not harmful to my CPU and if so, whether someone has a solution for me.