5900x, x570 Aorus Master, RTX 4090, 980Pro Nvme drive, PEXUSB312A2C2V USB add-in card, Seasonic PX Prime 1300w PSU.
Both GPUz and 3Dmark PCIe bandwidth test indicate GPU is running x8, placing a load on the PCIE lanes does not dynamically change number of lanes used - it stays at x8. Completely cold boot, such as being off for an hour or more, will sometimes boot the GPU as x16 but if I restart the computer for any reason it switches back to x8. USB add-in card is also only running x2 and not x4.
GPU and NVMe are both in their first slots, respectively. Both of which go to the CPU and use 20 lanes of PCIe. USB add-in card uses the last slot which goes through the chipset and should use all 4 available lanes, but only uses 2.
I've tried reseating the processor, resetting the BIOS, updating the BIOS, removing the USB add-in card, nothing works. For some reason if I force the MOBO to use PCIE gen 3 the card will run x16 - only on Gen 4 does it exhibit this behavior.