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2700x voltage problems?

Hi, i think i have some Problems either with my Ryzen 7 2700x or with my Mainboard Asus Prime x-370 Pro.

The Voltage my 2700x is drawing is increasing over Time, and also the Core Clock.

Fresh installed it was drawing up to 1.45v and was Clocking itself on about 4.3 Ghz.

Today i noticed that the current Maximum was 1.525v and 4.44 Ghz.

I´m running my 2700x on Stock Settings without Manual OC. It´s being cooled from a Kraken X52 2400mm AiO Liquid Cooler.

I also noticed that fresh installed in Games the Processor was fix on 4.05 Ghz on all Cores. Since Yesterday it´s Overclocking itself Ingame up to 4.40 Ghz on 1-2 Cores.

I´m now concerned if this is normal? If not is it possible that my Mainboard is broken?

Sorry for possible bad English, i´m from Germany 🙂

HWinfo Ryzen.jpg

1 Solution
Community Manager

Robert Hallock from AMD explained this perfectly.

The CPU is programmed to use these voltages automatically. We know it's safe, because we designed it that way. The CPU cannot and does not use voltages that are unsafe for the silicon.

The key thing that people forget in these cases is time and temperature. Running 1.4V or 1.5V here and there is not a big deal, because the CPU will eventually back down according to its pre-programmed model. Or if you have great cooling, that also offsets the thermal effect of voltage. In either case, you're seeing momentary blips of voltage that are offset by the hours per day your CPU is probably doing nothing at all--at a very low voltage.

The average vcore for Ryzen over time is around 1.25V (give or take).

tl;dr: leave the CPU alone, let it do its thing, don't worry. We designed the CPU to do this.

View solution in original post

26 Replies
Adept II

In my opinion the CPU and motherboard are running as intended. What you are experiencing is XFR, when this happens the motherboard is ensuring stability on weakest cores when they boost, the algorithm works based on temps and power usage. So you are seeing different boosts/vcore on different workloads when temps and power usage allows (temp and voltage headroom).

While 1.525v on the core is a lot and over specification it is normal, in fact there are many on that report the same behavior (on the same motherboard and other brands).  Here is a quote from another user (a veteran overclocker)  with the same motherboard and CPU configuration "1.55 tops for the 4.35ghz xfr boost... 1.44 for 4.25 boost levels and 1.3x for 4.05 levels". Your HWinfo64 readings are in alignment with this. You can see that on your picture of HWinfo64 that your average vcore over 8 hours was 1.076v and the max was 1.525v and your temperatures are well below the maximum. This is good IMHO.

You could manually overclock and probably get a slightly lower core clock then your max XFR boost with lower vcore (something like~4.2ghz@~1.45v). If you are interested you can check out the 2700&2700x owners club [Official] Ryzen 2700 and 2700X Owners Club - - An Overclocking Community . Some valuable information to be found there.

Hope this eases your mind o7

Okay, this is good and bad.

Cause since i installed my 2700x my PC keeps Blackscreen/Restarting from Time to Time. In the last 2 Weeks today was the 3rd Time. So if you Say both CPU and Mobo are working as they should maybe my Power Supply is having a Problem. Windows Procotol says Kernel-Power 41. But replacing a Power Supply is easier than replacing a Mobo. And Cheaper.

Thanks a lot.

Community Manager

Robert Hallock from AMD explained this perfectly.

The CPU is programmed to use these voltages automatically. We know it's safe, because we designed it that way. The CPU cannot and does not use voltages that are unsafe for the silicon.

The key thing that people forget in these cases is time and temperature. Running 1.4V or 1.5V here and there is not a big deal, because the CPU will eventually back down according to its pre-programmed model. Or if you have great cooling, that also offsets the thermal effect of voltage. In either case, you're seeing momentary blips of voltage that are offset by the hours per day your CPU is probably doing nothing at all--at a very low voltage.

The average vcore for Ryzen over time is around 1.25V (give or take).

tl;dr: leave the CPU alone, let it do its thing, don't worry. We designed the CPU to do this.

I changed the Power Supply but that wasn´t it... i´m now ordering a new Mobo... i hope that this will solve the shutting down Process...

Kernel-Power 41 all the Time...


I'm not sure that you needed to do this. I have the same cpu, although on a Aorus x470 Gaming 5 board. I'm using samsung b-die ram as well, some of moving to the amd cpu was a small learning curve for me. I even learned today from the response sin your post here that my temps and voltages seem to be fine, even though I accidentally touched smudged some of the thermal paste off on the cooler mishandling it lol. I then realized I had clamped it on wrong, turned it around to reach the lever more easily the next day and reapplied it without adding any new paste since I didn't have any available. Yet my temps seem to be normal for the Tdie (the one you read to get closer to your actual temp, the other is a setting used to make fan control regulation more common across the cpus I read and I guess it varies by cpu).

My main issues were setting my ram speed too high, I used XMP initially and got caught in a bootloop that I may have spent the greater portion of an hour blaming on windows since I had just installed it and in eufi for the first time. I settled on 3200mhz speed, which I have no issues with. I use auto timing and voltage , could probably fiddle with it and used a ram calculator updated that I found to do it but those custom timings seemed to fail. They may have been due to the next issue though, that I htink may be your issue. I was getting windows freezes, sometimes full on freezes, sometimes everything froze yet the mouse cursor was still able to moved around. it turned out, that for some reason, avast on this install loves to constantly block windows files both in \windows and \system32.

I had to allow exceptions for those, as well as "A:0 & A:1\windows\*" in my general exceptions and for some reason my real-time behavior and file lists as well. I realized it may have been antivirus after I noticed consistently closing command prompts triggered it. it was repeatable, it worked every time. I uninstalled avast and it all stopped. I installed avast and got it up to date again, and the issues came back. Even adding to exceptions, once in a while I would get it to where windows nor other programs were responding, as though something was hanging somewhere int he system yet the mouse worked and the windows key brought the start menu up but I couldn't click on anything and have it run or close. The biggest nuisance there is simply having to ctrl+alt+delete and sign out of my windows profile,and then sign back in (could still need to reboot if that stops afterburner from using my gpu fan curve).

That happened once the other night even after disabling all real-time shields in avast (which to be honest is about the only reason I installed it to begin with, and I identified the web shield itself as causing those lockups with firefox and chrome but the behavior shield still did it with windows and some other programs including my nvidia driver). After a bluescreen wtih a bugcheck message, I did a sfc /scannow and it said some components were corrupt (thanks avast). It downloaded them, and while it seemed almost as if I was about to hang again a couple of times since, it didn't happen. It was just normal heavy load of a billion browser tabs which brought me to another issue you may be having. Remember to set enough Virtual memory (I have 16g of physical memory, but still have to do this), or to let windows manage it (I don't do that, since windows 10 brutalizes my storage and I don't want it doing that to my ssd so I just let it manage it on every drive BUT the ssd).

I had a number of issues, some related and some not related. I figured them out one by one, and eventually sorted out my lockups. Sorry for all the babble, but my point is you may not need a new motherboard at all. Try looking into lower ram speed settings, letting windows have control over pagefiles on all of your drives (eck) and even into antivirus causing some issues when it blocks a driver or system file which can lead to lockups or reboots. once again sorry for the novel, I just thought going through the steps of finding out what was causing the issues I had and how not all of the lockups were the same issue it may help you to figure out what's causing yours.

The kernel power event by the way is normal, it just means that the system was boot after not shutting down properly the last time. You always get that error if you hit the reset key for any reason (like you lockup) or the pc reboots itself. Event ID 41 "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.". that one is the that is normal it just lets you know the pc wasn't properly shutdown before the last boot. It can show up if you accidentally hit the power or reset button on the case too. Another important thing is to make sure you have good airflow, and no dust gathers on components especially around fans since we're coming into summer this is more important now. And on windows 10 I discovered it's usually best to remain up to date, or else some things may not function correctly. Including AV and some drivers. And try to keep all of your software up to date too, including HWInfo64 (Which I also use, it's great to check out min/max and I run the Tdie through rtss). That's all very important in win 10, and can once in a while flatout resolve an issue that may have popped up. 


I tried many things to solve the shutting down issues. Yesterday i reinstalled Windows 10 completly. No shutting down so far. My temps are very good with 33 °C average. 52.5°C max and 25.5°C minimum. I just had to change the Fancurve from my Kraken X52 from Silent to Performance. They are a bit louder now but the Liquid Temps are now 26°C Idle and max 33°C Full Load over hours.

With RAM i´m using Corsair Vengeance 3200 CL 16 but i never managed to get it to run on 3200. 2933 was max. When i tried to run it on 3200 Windoes refused to start cause it couldn´t find some random Files. Every Time another File. Now with reinstalled Windows i have to give it a try another time.

I will update here if reinstalling Windows was the Solution or if it keeps crashing.


Tried it but WIndows won´t start.

Thats what i´m getting.

With my 1700x The PC just failed to Boot 4 times if i tried higher than 2933 but this here is confusing.

Doesn´t matter if i try D.O.C.P. or if i try to OC it Manual. 3200 just won´t work. Maybe it gets better with the ney Mobo...




Reinstalling Windows also wasn´t the Solution...

It just Keeps coming.

This sucks... Buying the 2700x was a fault...

kernel Power 172.jpg


Make sure that current chipset drivers are installed. And also USB drivers. Then it goes out in the blue screen.

That's the easiest. Otherwise, look on the Windows page for your error code. Or in different forums.



3200 Mhz on my Ram just will not happen. All Drivers are up to date. I´ve now reinstalled my 1700x and i hope that the Random Crashed are going away. If yes then i´m refunding my 2700x. If not the search will go on.


On German:
Habe ich das Richtig verstanden, dass du dein System übertaktest? Lief es davor Stabiel? Hast du vielleicht zu niedrige Ram timings? Die soltlest du dann eventuell erhöhen. Benke aber auch das andere Einflüsse wie zu hohe oder zu niedrige Spannung bei Ram und oder auch CPU für probleme sorgen können.

On Englisch (Google translate)

Did I understand correctly that you overclock your system? Was it Stabiel? Do you have too low ram timings? You should then raise it eventually. Benke but also the other influences such as too high or too low voltage at Ram and or CPU can cause problems.

I didn´t touch the 2700x Settings. The Ram was OC on 1.35v and 2933 Mhz. Timings were not touched. My System was fine with the 1700x. I bought the 2700x and built it in. Since then i have Problems with Random Shut Downs...


Ok. Dann nur eine Frage.. hast du nach dem Prozessor wechsel ein Bios Reset gemacht? Am besten per Jumper.

Manchmal hilft das. Wenn man ein Prozessor wechselt, sollte man Grundsätzlich das Bios reseten. Vorallem wenn es Komplett unterschiedliche CPU's sind. Was hier ja der Fall ist. Vielleicht hilft das ja. Ansonsten finde ich im Internet auch nicht viel das dir Helfen könnte, da noch zu viele Informationen fehlen würden.
Englisch (Google Translate):
Ok. Then only one question .. did you make a BIOS reset after the processor change? Best by jumper.
Sometimes that helps. If you change a processor, you should basically reset the BIOS. Especially if there are completely different CPU's. What is the case here? Maybe that helps. Otherwise, I do not find much on the Internet that could help, because too much information would be missing.


Today i got my new x470 Board. Bios and Drivers are up to Date. Windows is fresh installed. But i noticed one thing. With the Pre-Installes Bios Version 0.222 the Softwares CAM and Speccy noticed the Real Temperature from the CPU + 10°C. But with it´s actual Bios 4011 the Numbers are going Crazy. 90-100°C all the Time. Its as this were Fahrenheit Temps. but when i say Speccy Fahrenheit its even bigger... there is some Misunderstanding in the Bios Version i think. The Same was with my x370 Board. The only Program with the real Temperatures are HWInfo64 and MSI Afterburner.

With the x470 Board its the first Time my System is Booting when D.O.C.P. 3200 is enabled. With the x370 Mobo Windows refused to start.

Time will tell if my Mobo is damaged. I hope so. Memory would be so expensive that i would refund my x470 and my 2700x just to be able to buy new Ram.


Install Ryzen Master. It gives you the correct temperature of your Ryzen CPU.


But not Ingame 😉 And the Solution shouldn´t be - me installing another Software. The Solution should be - AMD reading this and fixing the Problem.


Bei dir hört sich das echt Abenteuerlich an alles. o.O

Wenigstens startet jetzt das System wieder. Der rest wird sich sicher auch noch mit der Zeit regeln.

English (Google Translate):
With you that sounds really adventurous to everything.
At least now the system starts again. The rest will surely settle with time.

Yeah, if it was the Mobo then i have so much new Stuff here that i just can buy a B350 Mobo and 8GB Ram and upgrade another PC


Das ist eine gute idee. ^^ Ich Träume ja auch schon davon wenn ich irgendwann mal geld für ein neues System habe, wie sehr der Prozessor das Gefühl vom Fliegen weckt. xD

Mein AMD FX-8350 war eine Richtige enttäuschung. Davor hatte ich einen AMD FX-4300. Der Upgrade zum AMD FX-8350 sollte mich beflügeln ... war aber ein reinfall. Ich bin bis heute davon Überzeugt, dass mein damliger AMD Phenom II X2 550 Black Edition viel besser war. Gerade wo man noch 2 Versteckte Kerne Aktivieren konnte. Das war schon irgendwie enttäuschend. Wenns eine verbesserung im AMD FX-8350 gab, war die nicht merkbar. Auf Ryzen konnte ich mich vorher aber schon ordentlich erfreuen, zumindest an den gerüchten. Der War noch nicht auf dem Markt, da wollte ich ihn schon haben. xD

Hätte auch fast geklappt wenn ich nicht ner Freundin einen Laptop gekauft udn geschänkt hätte... Und nu komme ich nicht mehr an geld um irgendwas zu besorgen. xD Der Traum vom Ryzen lebt aber weiter. xD Und eine Vega 56 wäre auch nice. xD Meine MSI Readon R9 280 3GB hat mir etwas zu wenig Power. xD Leider schenkt einem keiner was. Schon gar nicht wenn es neu ist. xD
English (Google Translate):
That's a good idea.
^^ I'm already dreaming of it when I have money for a new system someday, how much the processor awakens the feeling of flying. xD
My AMD FX-8350 was a real disappointment. Before that, I had an AMD FX-4300. The upgrade to the AMD FX-8350 should inspire me ... but it was a mistake. I am still convinced that my former AMD Phenom II X2 550 Black Edition was much better. Just where you could activate 2 Hidden Cores. That was kind of disappointing. If there was an improvement in the AMD FX-8350, it was not noticeable. On Ryzen, I was able to enjoy myself before, at least to the rumors. The was not yet on the market, because I wanted him already. xD
Had almost worked if I had not bought ner ner girlfriend a laptop and would have drunk ... And now I'm no longer on money to get something. xD The dream of Ryzen lives on. xD And a Vega 56 would be nice too. xD My MSI Readon R9 280 3GB gave me a bit too little power. xD Sorry, no one gives something. Especially not when it's new. xD


Also crashes with my 1700x. Fine. Now it´s down to Mobo or Ram...


Gut, das ist doof. Also Bios Reset mit Jumpoe bei jeden CPU wechsel. Und dann jedes mal sicher stellen, das Falls das Mainboard es als standard hat automatisch zu takten, das vielleicht unterbinden. Bleibt abschließend nur noch Memtest. Was aber wiederum wenig aussagt, wenn das Board defekt ist. Was man so nicht Prüfen kann, es sei denn du hast ein Zweites. Ich kann mir nciht vorstellen das ein Mainboard das vorher ging, nach einem CPU wechseln einen schaden bekommt. Das selbe gilt auch für den Ram. Es sei denn du warst vielleicht Statisch aufgeladen. Wäre natürlich alles ärgerlich. Ich habe ja nicht mal das Geld für ein Ryzen System obwohl ich gerne eins hätte. >-< Und du müsstest dir dann schon ein zweites holen. das wäre echt mies. o_ o
Good, that's stupid.
So BIOS reset with Jumpoe at each CPU change. And then make sure every time that the mainboard has it as default to clock automatically, that maybe stop it. Finally, only Memtest remains. Which in turn says little if the board is broken. What you can not test, unless you have a second. I can not imagine that a motherboard went before, after a CPU change gets a damage. The same applies to the Ram. Unless you were perhaps statically charged. Of course, everything would be annoying. I do not even have the money for a Ryzen system although I would like to have one. > - < And you'd have to get another one then. that would be really bad.
o_ o


Found your Motherboard at Asus Support. They have very new BIOS and CHIPSET updates that you should install if you haven't yet: PRIME X370-PRO Driver & Tools | Motherboards | ASUS USA :

BIOS - Version 4011 - 05/02/2018

AMD CHIPSET - 04/18/2018

Those two are very important in making new Hardware compatible with a Motherboard that came out before those were made.

Also Asus came out with a new QVL RAM Memory Compatibility Chart for the Ryzen 2000 series CPUs.(04/19/2018): .

Is your Corsair RAM Memory listed on this list? If not, the memory you have now may not be totally compatible with your Ryzen 2000 series CPU even though it might have been compatible with the older Non-Ryzen 2000 series CPU you had previously installed.

Whats strange is that your bus clock is fluctuating... looking at your pic you posted the values are insanely wide.  I would ask around about that because that shouldnt change much.


So say if I had better cooling, would the processor boost more cores up to 4.35Ghz or could it even boost single core past 4.35ghz?


The fastest i´ve seen was 4.44 Ghz on 2 Cores. In Games i have 4.2 on all Cores when needed.


Hy,I have same problem,what is solution on the end.Thanks!