Could please anyone with RX 5700 XT who has WWZ game try to run campaign Tokyo ch.1 or ch.2 on Vulkan api and tell if you experience similar problem?
There are major stutters exclusively on Vulkan api and ONLY during these two missions.
Game runs just fine on DX11 but overall perfomance is lower compared to Vulkan and Fidelity FX effects with Radeon Image Sharpening can't be enabled.
The issue is not presented on a system with intel cpu+pascal gpu and it is replicable, i made a short video about it that was sent to the game developers. The reply was - it is a quite unique one and they will check things on their side.
RX 5700 XT
Ryzen 3600
B450 (latest non beta msi bios)
2*8 DDR4 3600, Infinity fabric 1800mhz
Everthing is installed on sata SSD
Win 10 1903
Chipset driver
Radeon Settings 19.9.1
All drivers were clean installed after using DDU utility in safe mode
Vsyc, Enchanced sync, VSR are is disabled
I tried to verify game files/complete reinstall to no avail.
Video :
0:42 - Tokyo chapter 1 (heavy stutters/lag) Serious freezes (1:34) happen more often in further gameplay
2:40 - New York chapter 1 (no issues, game runs smooth, frametime line is consistent)
4:20 - Tokyo chapter 3 (no issues, game runs smooth, frametime line is consistent)
Video captured by Relive. Issue remains without recording
Framerate capped @141 by RivaTuner statistics server, freesync enabled (i tried to run the game without Msi Afterburner and Riva on and with freesync disabled- it's all the same).
Gpu die temperature, gddr6 tempperature, cpu temperature, frametime line are presented via overlay to show that it's not an overheating issue.
This could perhaps help
Issues with Freesync on RX 5700? Check your Registry! : Amd
"ChillEnabled"=dword:00000001 (is correct to get Chill disabled)
I appreciate your help! But it looks like chill is 100% off on my system, so it's not the case.
It's actually enabled in some cases, even if you have it globally set as Off. That's why you need to edit registry 🙂
I mean that i read the post that you linked and tried modifying\deleting the registry key. Tested in few games and there was no difference to it's behaviour at stock value. However enabling chill in the radeon settings menu did make a difference but i don't use the feature anyway because of this:
Radolov :
Some quick tests (that you can check yourself). Tested in a game where I regularly get 300FPS to exclude that variable.
Chill min: 30, Chill max 144, input: none. FPS: 30
Chill min: 30, Chill max 144, input: holding down a "walking" key. FPS: 50
Chill min: 30, Chill max 144, input: rapidly tapping the "walking" key. FPS: 96
Chill min: 30, Chill max 144, input: rapidly tapping the "walking" key while throwing around the mouse all over screen non-stop. FPS: 106 FPS
As you can see from the data, there is nothing that you could call an "attempt" to reach the max value, even with extreme inhumane behavior and non-stop input. And we still only reach 66% of the way there. At a higher chill delta, a smaller percentage will be reached. I really wish AMD would fix chill
Anyway thank you for your input, this one was good to know
hi, this is refesh fault, if you have set it to 144hz then reduce it to 120 or 100, it should be better
Hello, it looks to be not a refresh rate fault.
I tried to run the game using Vulkan api with monitor set at 120 hz refresh rate and experienced similar heavy stutters/freezes during problematic missions (Tokyo ch.1 and ch.2).
When refresh rate is set to 120hz on my monitor GDDR6 memory is able to clock lower than 875mhz. The difference is that on 120hz i had black screen crash followed by hard system reset on a pc that was running stable for almost 2 months.
I, too, have extreme stutter in Tokyo Chapter 1 with my 5700xt, but just that one map. You cant really say that its a Chill or Refresh rate issue if its just one map. Chances are its the game, not the GPU. Should be brought up on WWZ forums too.
It has been there for a while, but it seems not so many 5700 xt owners do play WWZ with Vulkan enabled.
It might be on the game side but have to mention that the issue is not presented for ex. on 1070ti, i think it's another Navi specific problem. Game stutters on Tokyo maps with Vulkan
I only started having this stutter in first Tokyo map after they added the 3rd chapter of Tokyo.
And, I actually do have intermittent stutter in CH 3 of New York, its just not nearly as bad as that Tokyo map.
Same problem here.
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Powercolor (reference) 5700 XT
MSI X560 chipset
Fresh install WIN10, all new drivers.
Stutters in Tokyo Chapter 1.
Another issue I have is that when I'm in the lobby/menu, GPU goes to 100% load and the temperature increases, fan goes max as well. Damn annoying as I spend quite some time in the menus doing upgrades and such. That also happens when I use DX11. Anyonee else having this issue with the 5700XT?
Wondering if it was something wrong with my card, But seems like it only happens in WWZ.
19.9.3 + there was a small game patch (at least i had to download about 1gb more of files to launch the game) - problem hasn't been fixed.
I can confirm the stutter is still an issue on various DX12//Vulkan titles on my RX 5700 at 3440x1440, strangely enough, use DX11 results in lower VRAM usage, which fixes the stutter, so I tried running DX12(in Borderlands 3) and noticed with High/ultra, the VRAM reaches 5.2gb+ and the stutter appears, when Lowering the texture quality to medium so the VRAM usage remains under 5gb, the stutter is completely gone, I repeated testing about 10 times using various settings and resolution scale to bring the vram usage higher or lower, & it appears its not tied to the texture quality setting explicitly, as long as the VRAM usage is low, the stutter disappears.
Something worth checking with World War Z.
Hello! Thank you for your input.
It was one of the first things i tried while troubleshooting the issue but it didn't help.
I just checked the game and it runs absolutely fine now on both API (dx11/vulkan)
There were many things patched on this system (MB bios, chipset drivers, gpu drivers, windows version, the game itself got couple updates) so i don't know which one exactly fixed an issue (most likely one of the game's patches).
I don't play Borderlands myself, heared about stutters with dx12 across all systems, don't know if it is something that has been adressed.