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PC Graphics

Adept II


Hello everyone,

I'm owning an APU, the latest update I can get is

Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.11.1

amd drivers.png

and as it says here only Crimson Software supports APU SYSTEMS, so they why when we reach AMD DRIVERS PAGE and insert our system info and we try to find the latest driver we can download Adrenaline which by the way doesn't work, or why they keep on sending us alerts for new updates? This is so bad for AMD, I'm no longer supportive of this company, I used to support AMD and I was trying to promote her to friends and family, now I will only speak the crystal clear truth, which is that they don't give a damn! I've spent hours on trying to find drivers after promoted updates! I paid 700€ for my HP laptop and I will not buy a single new AMD product again!


45 Replies

So I'm guessing you have Windows 8.1 on that laptop, an OS Microsoft terminated first party support for, and an OS which is not allowed to receive any updates if used with Ryzen or Kaby Lake or newer processors. Microsoft has not closed the loophole which allows Windows 7 and 8 product keys to upgrade to Windows 10 for free, I suggest you use it. This is not AMD's fault, it is Microsoft's.


Firstly, I have Windows 10 (Updated - April's Creators Update), secondly as it says to the picture I attached, it includes Windows 10, so all Windows 10 APU systems are only supported from Crimson! You have to read everything. Also I downloaded and clean installed (after I ran AMD CLEAN UTILITY TOOL) 17.11.1 and it didn't even supported that!!!, so I went back to 17.7.3, it's really depressing cause I have a linked GPU of 4GB and I still run League of Legends (at medium settings) on low fps! This is sad and unprofessional, I used to recommend AMD to everyone, now I don't even recommend them to myself!

Maybe you should post your APU model.

Your reading the compatible description of a pre Adrenaline driver, here's the description from 18.5.1

and an older Crimson(pre 'Relive' edition) 16.7.3

They are both from the same APU model.

My PC- Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, NM790 2TB, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T.

Yeah I know that, but it doesn't really work, there have been several threads about this issue and nobody found a clear answer, I will post now my system info, if you could help me.

amd drivers 2.png

amd drivers 4.png

amd drivers 5.png

amd drivers 3.png

I can't update anymore than 17.4.3!

I don't have a laptop, so can only suggest trying Laptop graphics update...How to​

Don't use the 'clean up utility' (you probably have the old vers. ?)

You only install the drivers for the APU (A10-9600P(not A series with R5)), and as your updating from an older crimson version, I suggest you use the (built-in) Custom > Clean Install option.

I would also go offline for the install (to stop MS trying to override the driver install).

My PC- Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, NM790 2TB, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T.

Thanks for trying, I've tried everything, I even gave permission to a Microsoft assistant from "Get Help" to do all this himself, he failed... 


Screenshot the exact error you get when you attempt to install 18.6.1, not the minimal setup, the full package.


Ok thank you, I will do that, I will post by tomorrow, have a great day



I've tried installing 18.6.1 , but It didn't work. So here are my screenshots.

1) Installation ( WIFI off).

amd drivers 6.png

after the restart I would right click to go to radeon setting, but there were no Radeon Settings , so I clicked to "Show Hidden Icons" on Windows taskbar and I found the Radeon Settings Icon, I clicked on the icon and get this.

amd drivers 7.png

Clicking on Device manager after installing 18.6.1 and restarting my laptop.

amd drivers 8.png

if you could help me I would love to find a solution after 1 year... I've been trying literally  for 1 year to get the drivers right...


Following the procedure inLaptop graphics update...How to​?


Ok, I will try this and I will post asap, thank you for trying to help me!


Hello there,

again I did everything, but nothing worked

1) I deleted files from C/ AMD

amd drivers 9.png

2) I uninstalled AMD software from control Panel.

amd drivers 10.png

3) I turned off all Antivirus and Windows Firewall as well as App protection etc.

amd drivers 11.png

4) I rebooted my system

5) After having nothing opened (Wifi, Antivirus etc) and all previous version of AMD software deleted, I installed version 18.5.1

amd drivers 12.png

6) I restarted my laptop

7) Drivers not Working!

amd drivers 13.png

😎 I did all the above for version 18.6.1

9) I installed version 18.6.1

amd drivers 14.png

10) after installation I restarted my laptop and

11) Now it says that I don't have a display connected?

amd drivers 15.png

Please I need this to end... it's unacceptable... I might not be an average consumer, but nobody deserves to waste his time because AMD can't really create a software to update drivers automatically... I bought my laptop 1,5 ago and now it feels outdated because the latest drivers that function are 17.4.3 … This is pathetic really, all the future updates since 17.4.3 are really important to me and I can't seem to get them, and believe me I've tried to hard to get them.

AMD should fix this ASAP!


I can't speak specifically to your model computer. I can tell you however that "gaming laptop" in general is in many ways a losing battle from the start. You are assuming that the Vanilla AMD drivers should work on your laptop, correct, but don't? The truth is that the only drivers that may ever work on that laptop are those modified by your manufacturer and the manufacturers alter from the AMD reference design in may ways, power, cooling solutions, clock speed etc.... This is why it is always suggest on laptops to get the most current driver from your machines maker, which is not AMD.  AMD only supplied that maker a chip, how the maker implements it varies greatly from maker to maker. This is why there is never any guarantee of longevity on laptops when it comes to needing new drivers for gaming, the only driver guaranteed to work is the one it came with, or any the manufacturer chooses to update to. Unfortunately those makers stop support on those in many cases very quickly and AMD gets the black eye in the public, when it is the manufacturers fault for using custom solutions with a customized driver. AMD can't account for this in their Vanilla Drivers.  I would complain to Dell for not having up-to-date drivers to support their product.


Dell hasn't done a BIOS or GPU Driver update since february 7th ,(I mean my specific model Dell Inspiron 15 5576)

.....I don't like being sold something and they (Both) of them Company's do not provide that due service of keeping their longtime customer's  pisses me off...

Maybe I will try re-posting the same error logfiles and any new error log reports...on both their site's and nag them until they find a team specifically for my system(And all those out their with a 5576 too of course)and get to work on finding what causes the error's and eliminate them from the next future driver that could very well be the next perfect and flawless driver...

funny thing is Dell 5576 has vsync support in my drivers for this model...I am using Radeon 18.2.1 that does not support it...vsync....

Because I cannot wait....I want to play all my games old and new.....

oh,and AMD make sure the new driver for this system has 15% fps increase in performance and gaming...


This is the cheap solution for companies with such behaviors! They blame each other on forums all the time, I've read many posts on HP forums that suggest AMD is responsible for providing the right drivers, or even windows update, for example some APU systems are being updated from Windows Update and that's confirmed from AMD's site (if you search for HELP Q,A). My APU system can't be updated and I have reasoned with myself that I won't purchase anything from AMD or HP!


That is why I went far it works....with every now and then I get errors from the gpu...but not too bad...I can handle that...

I feel you on HP and AMD.

Adept III

I feel your pain I have a APU Gaming Laptop (Dell Inspiron 15 5576),I have some issues with just getting the correct drivers to run great.I have tried Radeon 18.2.1,Radeon 18.5.1 and have experienced TDR Delay crashes and Device stuck in Thread Handled Error's with a black screen and hearing the sound errrrrrrr....

To nick:

Have you tried 18.2.1?

see if temporary driver's can help until your vendor make's new one's....I have done those two...and they worked but I don't like how they work and then I get the error's I mentioned...

maybe your's might respond differently.

remember turn off wifi after you download driver (download 18.2.1 and then wipe everything with DDU then reboot then make a restore point,then you can install the driver...

If nothing work's with one driver try the other one...start with 18.2.1 first...then fallback to restore point then try the HP vendor driver's....

me,I am tired of trying any of the driver's they have issues..I can't run DooM with Dell's 17.7 driver it came out since Feb....

I have currently Dell's driver and Dell's driver's are not that great.I am using the 17.7 Driver.

I have done the DDU and installing first Dell's driver first and done the windows updates next.

I just don't know what to do next...I was just hoping someone out there with the same model could tell me in what order I am doing my driver installation wrong..

because,I have had both AMD and Dell tell me the same routine of how to get the driver's installed correctly....sigggghhhhh

I have it working,but I want the newer drivers for my system...

Dell is allway's late...on making new driver's....I want the newer driver's that don't have Blackscreen and TDR and Device stuck in thread or Device stuck in thread not handled Error's....

This is my first gaming laptop and my impression isn't good...

I am thinking they don't do  good driver update's for all the newer most Advanced High End Gaming laptop's.....If i can't get up to date driver's quickly enough on this machine then they must apply the same logic to all other laptop's out there....

then what is the point to buy a more expensive Gaming laptop than mine???

I am doing all I can not to break this laptop since it cost me alot...700 out of lucky on sale day..

Radeon image.PNG

Radeon Image 2.PNG

Adept III

I just updated to radeon 18.2.1 again after doing 3 times a pc reset and 3 times re-installing everything....long story.

I did this and now Doom and Umbrella corps will play smooth...

Dell's driver's are not that great and old...and the most recent radeon 18.5.1 does work but again those TDR delay errors and thread stuck errors...ughhhhh

Journeyman III

I have same cpu and I can install this. I think you should clean install with ddu



Hello can you please describe the process of your installation, because as you can see above, I have done almost any way possible and existing, still I've failed to install the right drivers


Download 18.5.1

Clean old drivers

restart pc

install 18.5.1 and don't install relive

restart pc 1 more time


(don't download 18.6.1 i tried but i can't install it)


Clean using what tool?

Also installing via DDU or just normal installation ?

Thank's for replying this fast


clean with ddu

install with normal installation


now you can install 18.7.1 too


What is your system specs? And how did you process with the installation? I'm curious because I've tried 18.7.1 and still couldn't get them to work at all!


In which way did you clean your old drivers? Using a utility tool? Via device manager? or in an other way?


Some of the drivers you tried to install don't support your APU (18.6.1 being one) ...that is a problem. You have to use drivers that are specific to the 9600P APU.

You only install one driver, the full version, and your choices are:





Thank you for posting the process, but I know it. I've even contacted a Microsoft employee, I gave him access via "Get Help" and he didn't manage to correct what is seems to be an AMD error.

AMD hasn't really met my expectations on this matter, and it's sad for me as I have been a huge fan of AMD and supporting their hardware for years and years.

Anyways thanks again.

Adept III

I hope the new driver works....I pray for your system to get the love it needs...

Tip:I have been using Radeon 18.2.1 on my Dell Inspiron 15 5576  all this time...very few bugs and crashes.

Best of luck and wishes....goodbye...

next week I am walking into best buy to go up the ladder some get the


Hell it's About Time.

Adept II

I've tried everything that was suggested at this post, but again as I've posted before, nothing seems to work, again my Laptop doesn't recognize the new drivers, sorry for replying this late, but I decided to have fun during summer and not waste my time trying! Hope you had great holidays!

Journeyman III

Belly my friends

I own a apu 7700k and driver can't install correctly  It says drivel display failed to start when I install last amd apu drivers . It says in device manager windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. Code 43

What can I do? Is there an older driver that works ?

Thanks in advance


Adrenaline drivers are for AMD products. The 7700k is an INTEL CPU with integrated graphics. So my best guess at an answer would be never. Now if you have an AMD GPU installed along side of  that Intel CPU and are having an issues. I would start a new thread with all your OS and Hardware Specs and Detail you issue as much as you can. Someone likely will be able to help. If you have no AMD hardware then try an Intel forum.

its an AMD a10-7700 My friend,not intel


Cool my response was to when you said the following and a 7700k is an Intel chip! You didn't include "a10" information and included a "k" on the end that did not belong. Sorry for my confusion on the information you gave. :

"Belly my friends


I own a apu 7700k and driver can't install correctly  It says drivel display failed to start when I install last amd apu drivers . It says in device manager windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. Code 43


What can I do? Is there an older driver that works ?


Thanks in advance"


You may try drives from 2017, like 17.4.3. I use those drivers, I can't use any drivers past April of 2017, It's depressing, this year I'm updating my device and I won't buy any amd stuff!

Also a friend of mine bought an HP laptop (around 700euros) and she faces the same problems such as the ones we face, it's a tragedy to be honest, but many of us that supported AMD during those dark days, won't continue to do so. I'm extra dramatic IK, but imagine our situation 

Why would I do that, I am not having any issues. Maybe your advice will help the OP. 

Adept II

The new driver, 19.1.1 has also the same issue, It can't be installed! The last update I was able to do, was 17.4.3, that's a bit cruel and unprofessional from AMD!


I am on Roggy with zero crashes and driver issues..every driver AMD makes for RX580 cpu's and Ryzen 7 1700 CPU is working great.maybe it time to buy new machine nick...