So im the same person who did that post about ray tracing crashes/issues with the 6800 xt a while ago (still no word from amd).
They released a driver update that says it fixes performance on WDL so i tried it and its even more messed up.
Basically, it was performing worse w my settings ??
Ray tracing seems to behave a bit better but the same crashes occur.
Thing is, with the benchmark i noticed that setting all to ultra gives me better frame times than setting it to very high (in my case shadows, environment and geometry).
I tried with RT off bc we all know how messed up it is but same result.
Setting shadows to very high instead of ultra? worse minimum and average FPS (i did several runs every time). Setting environment, geometry and shadows to very high/high instead of ultra: same behavior.
I don't get this for real. fix your drivers amd, like, rewrite them again from scratch or something ffs, this isn't normal. I bet even on ultra it should perform better and don't let me get started with Ray Tracing...
Screenshots are the 1st one all ultra except shadows, environment, and geometry which are on the one next to ultra (high/very high), rt off and the 2nd one all ultra, rt off as well. These ones are the best results from several passes of each one btw.
Not everything is a driver issue, game most likely needs to be updated with AMD RT in mind and optimized.
it seems like it is tbh, before updating the drivers i didnt have this problem...
Unfortunately and we users are glad you did, posting this here only lets other user know about the issue. These are USER TO USER forums only. Nobody from AMD driver team is here.
To let AMD know about this game issue please use the Bug Report in Radeon Settings.
You can also open two way dialogue here is you want as well with AMD support.
These are the only 2 methods that positively AMD will get.
There is a new driver out today that claims to fix issues with this game title.
Download 20.11.3 and see if that helps!
Fixed Issues
Good Luck!
@pokester wrote:There is a new driver out today that claims to fix issues with this game title.
Download 20.11.3 and see if that helps!Fixed Issues
- Lower than expected performance may be experienced on Radeon™ RX 6000 series graphics products in Watchdogs:® Legion and Dirt™ 5.
- Lower than expected performance may be experienced on Radeon™ RX 5000/500/400 series graphics products in Godfall™.
- Godfall™ is not detected or listed in Radeon Software gaming tab.
- Crysis™ Remastered may experience corruption on character models on Radeon™ RX 6800 Series graphics products.
- Fixed some intermittent crashes found in Total War™ Saga: Troy and World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands.
- World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands may fail to launch when DirectX®12 API is selected on Windows®7 system configurations.
- Fixed some intermittent crashes found in Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War with DirectX® Raytracing enabled.
- HDR on supported Windows 10 desktops might get disabled when DOOM® Eternal™ starts rendering in HDR mode.
- Fixed issues found on Adobe™ Illustrator, Adobe™ Premier and FinalWire AIDA64.
- Fixed corruption issues in Red Dead Redemption 2 in 1080p resolution on Radeon™ RX 6800 Series graphics products.
Good Luck!
That's the version i currently have, its with this version with the one that the new performance issues were introduced, either this or Watch Dogs Legion's 2.30 update 😞 In both they mention performance fixes but i just see more problems
Okay that driver went op today and you posted that yesterday. Sorry for the confusion.