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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

W600 To 6 miniDisplay to HDMI adapters Why can't I get more than 2 monitors? Is this the MiniDisplay limit?

I have just in stalled the W600 and after multiple installs and reboots, I have it running but can only use 2 displays at once.

Is the only way to have 6 monitors is to have 6 miniDisplay monitors?  If I can not use 6 adapters to HDMI then why are there so many references to doing so?

I know there are requirements for daisy-chaining miniD but I have 6 ports on the video card to 6 adapters to 6 seperate HDMI monitor inputs.  What do I need to do to get my other 4 monitors working?

2 Replies

Not a expert on the subject but I believe you need active adapters for more than 2 monitors.

So 4 active and 2 passive adapters should work.

You would be right fyrel. I was able to finally find it in my favorite computer repair and upgrade book.  I had convinced myself the standard only applied to daisy chains.

You were right though, the first two can be any such random adapter to DVI, HDMI, or even VGA.

After 2, every additional monitor has to be an active adapter.

Thank you for your quick, and very accurate, reply fyrel.

You were faster than my book. lol