So basically your view or camera is supposed to stay the same !!!!SIZE!!!!! so if its a photo of a cat that the camera view fits the cat in nicely, the cat doesnt become bigger or smaller, the details become finer or blockier but the cat shouldnt be cropping or zooming. Thats not how resolution works fake hardware vendors. Imagine a volume knob with 1-10 around it increasing resolution paints more numbers around the nvidia and intel knob heads. The knob never changes in size.. it doesnt become 'engorged' or 'zoom' or 'chopped up/cropped' or smaller or bigger. The DETAILS or the intervals or 'gradients' become finer.. Its like bit depth with color 1.2billion or 4billion colors.. instead of 16million colors with 10bit or 12bit vs 8bit. See how the completely better and finer color details DID NOT CHANGE THE SIZE OF ANYTHING. the SAME THING HAPPENS WITH DETAILS in the original image PRESERVING THE SIZE you nvidia and intel knobs like changing an 8k TV to 1080p the TV doesnt shrink or grow retards..
So.. When i use a text file named config.ini i can set custom resolution/drivers/settings/configuration for BIOS/bootloader/OS/apps/games/displaydriverconfiguration to turn on features or tell hardware to be used or not.
So i make a custom file, and when PHYSICALLY rendering hybridrealityZEN RNA DNA emulation quality gaming whatever forza horizon 5 or black desert online.. I see a nice zoomed in close up action cam like view with very enlarged details like imagine grooves or bumps like a golf ball being on models of some cars for grip in forza horizon 5, or the skin pores in black desert online the sweat comes out of. Thats there and visible in an almost macro shot kind of way where everything feels 'nicely realistically' large.. But this is with using words like RIGIDNBODIES. If I DELETE these words RIGID and the words NBODIES.. i get ridiculously better image details but then the SIZE CHANGES !!! everything gets tiny and it feels like i switched from telephoto lens to a wide angle shot! which is not what i wanted at all! its supposed to be same lens/camera or whatever. Because its a 'reality emulation' the increase in details and quality to be more life like or realistic seems to always make the game faster and smoother and 'better' i mean trillions better sometimes, like super massively cranking the render resolution and setting the game to ultra games better than medium. But when a setting is 'unrealistic' then it doesnt work.. its not in sync.. it slows down.. So deleting rigidnbodies seems to "slow down" and change size.. so now im confused which is the fake setting and fake words and which is the scientific real reality to use rigid nbodies which is a 'telephoto zoom' like macro details enlarged. or do i shrink stuff down to fit in a wide angle camera view with absurdly finer details particularly for sands.. things like using the word particular also seem to be.. maybe more life like maybe less but smaller some how and way slower so its not the right words. This grow or shrink nonsense and more real or less real and details trade off seems super very alice in wonderland nonsense shrink or grow or die of old age figuring it out.
I honestly am very uncertain of the 'correct' or rather official or real AMD hardware methods or the right words or terms to use.. and theres no 'neutral middle ground where it doesnt grow or shrink' which is the most infuriating thing ever.
Im a mentally ill disability pensioner and having the hardest time doing every comic level retard criminal **bleep**s job for them because scammers sell NOT COMPUTERS like intel and nvidia which advertise they arent a computer in the spec sheet.. that use stupid galaxy sized triangles and polygons in a puny game map instead of DNA RNA cells/particles for the entire universe.
Why do i have to struggle with configuring everything? why doesnt installing the AMD display drivers and vulkan and the OS have all my hardware work at its best with the compiled specifically for it OS/vulkan/drivers and the wild cards and dynamic scaling/quality and adaptive performance?
If anybody knows the answer to how to prevent fake **bleep** from ruining everything AMD and what words i should be using i'd love to hear it.
CONFIG file currently on mediafire hosting so put this after the mediafire domain /file/0ncy0n9cro2kh4r/bit_like_previous.rar/file