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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Upgrade for RX 580 4GB?

Running an HP premade with Ryzen 7 2700 and the RX 580 4GB.  I got a Meta Quest 2 for Christmas and am trying to combine it with SteamVR.  The SteamVR diagnosis utility says my processor is fine, but I need to upgrade the gpu (RX 580 4GB).  I'm hoping to get by with just upgrading the gpu and am looking for suggestions on cards that would work, but not break the budget (>$400).  One problem I noticed is that I'm limited on space in the case.  Thanks in advance! 

2 Replies

There are two biggest factors before you purchase a upgrade to your GPU card.

1- PSU Unit installed.

Generally Pre-Built OEM PCs doesn't have very powerful PSUs.  You need to get a GPU card that requires a Minimum PSU of at least 50-100 watts greater than the GPU card minimum power needs. Plus sometimes HP installs propriety PSU & Motherboards that can't be replaced by 3rd Party PSUs.

2- Sounds like you need a Low Profile GPU card to be able to fit in your HP PC case. There aren't as many choices for Low Profile GPU cards. Most are Regular size.

At PCPARTPICKER I inputted Low Profile GPU cards. They only list 9 models to choose from:

Screenshot 2022-12-29 082657.png

If you PC case is large enough for a regular but smaller Non-Low Profile GPU card then just click on Video Cards and it will show almost 6000 models to choose from.

EDIT: This Tech site lists the best 2022 Low Profile GPU cards:

This tech site list 8 Low Profile GPUs for 2022:

NOTE: You noticed that all Low Profile GPUs have a maximum of 4GB of vRAM. You need to find out which GPUs are recommended for your VR set and how much vRAM is recommended for a GPU card to have.

Adept I

Radeon RX 6750 XT or Radeon RX 6700 XT (Cheaper), both are great cards, just find a brand that you like and buy it. If you looking for a cheap card go for XFX. Another great budget card is the Radeon RX 6650 XT. Brands don't really matter, as long as the card looks good and runs great. 

The only issue for you would be the power consumption, you will need a 650w or higher psu.
The space issue, you can get a Dual Fan GPU, dual fan are also cheaper. (I don't suggest going for low profile, they are pretty trash in my opinion)