What’s up everyone. Less than a week ago I bought an AMD gpu(RX 6700XT),for the first time since 2017. For this whole week everything has been great with it. It was cool(in terms of temperatures),performing great,so i love it in general. Managed to undervolt it really good yesterday,and the temps were not more than 60 C with about only 3% performance loss (At 95-100% Load). Everything was great and stable,no bsods,no driver crashes,no nothing. It felt like a dream.
But all of a sudden,in the middle of the game,my pc restarts and my tuning settings reset,which indicated the crash of a gpu driver(correct me if i’m wrong). There was also a notification saying that it reseted the tuning preset "due to an unexpected system error".
The first thing I thought was that the voltage was insufficient and it caused it to crash,so i changed it by +25,so now it is 1125 instead of 1100 mV at 2500 Mhz. Ran a quick stress test for 10 minutes,everything’s cool. Gamed for another 30 mins in Cp 2077 at almost the highest settings with fsr enabled. And again everything is stable.
Sorry for a lot of unnecessary talking,but here’s my question: Did anybody else experience this kind of problem,when the system is really stable for the whole day,but then suddenly the pc reboots? If somebody did,how did you fix it? And should I really be worried about this or is it a common story with AMD gpus? (pls,no joking about them drivers)
Here is some more information on this situation. I have a custom native resolution but with 140Hz instead of 144Hz,with timing standart as "CVT - Reduced Blanking" to prevent Vram clocks from being at their max frequency when idling. Driver version : 23.12.1
Also my tuning preset:

For now I'll just wait and see if it will happen more than just once. Thank you if you read this.