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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Switchable graphics r7 m445 performing much worse that a year or two ago.....

Hi there and thank you for your time!

So in 2016 I bought a Dell Inspiron 17 inch with:

CPU Type
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz

System Memory
16 GB

Windows Version
Windows 10 (64 bit)

Current software version is:

Radeon Software Edition

Radeon Software Version

So when I bought it it would power through a lot of games; I would run GTA V on higher graphics settings and it would run absolutely fine, along with other games such as Company of Heroes 2 we would have 4 vs 4 on high graphics settings and it would also be fine. I played the nuts out of Total War Warhammer 1 and 2; 1 ran on high/ultra settings with large units, and 2 was a touch slower but I was still playing it on medium graphics at about 30fps, no real difficulty. 

About a year or two ago I booted up warhammer 2, and it was unplayable even on the lowest settings, along with GTA V and Company of Heroes 2 are really struggling even on the lowest settings. Warhammer 2 I was - sort of - able to solve as I figured that it was using the Intel on board graphics, and I think COH2 and GTA V are having something similar. They are all set to high performance on the Radeon settings software, but both are playing far far worse than they did in the first two years of play on this laptop. It feels like the switchable graphics are not turning on and the computer is trying to run them with the Intel graphics card. Just with the specs I have I should easily be playing through COH2! Internet is very good, and the moment I come off COH2 everything works very very quickly still. 

I've looked through the forums, but can't seem to find any clear solutions, Would it be possible for someone to have a look at this? Especially during quarantine fixing the COH2 problem would be a literal lifesaver!

Many thanks!

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