Issue Description: So PC just crashed/hanged on a grey-ish screen. So I restarted the PC. But after that I've just been getting a black screen. On the motherboard the VGA led lights up. And the post code shows "b2/62".
Before this I had no artifacting or crashes. Temps were around 60c idling & 80c during gaming. I cleaned the card every six months with an air blower.
Out of the six leds on the back of the GPU pcb for load 3 are lighting up.
The fans are spinning.
Tried booting with the secondary gpu bios. But still no post.
Hardware: CPU: Ryzen 7 2700X
Motherboard: Gigabyte X470 Gaming 7
Ram: 16 GB Corsair 3200
PSU: 650W Thermaltake Gold
Software: Windows 10 1803(I think)
Display Drivers 18.Something
I have contacted Sapphire customer support. All they have said and "The card should be defective". Anyone else faced this sort of issues? Or have a fix for this?
Thanks for taking the time to read this if you are.
And if you're thinking that the GPU is ancient compared to the other components and I concur. But I don't have the budget to buy a new GPU at the moment.