what hw do you have?
here the random help guide:
1. update Win10 to 20H2
2. disable Win10 auto-driver-install
3. delete C:/AMD
4. run DDU in safe-mode
5. install 20.12.1
6. test again
ezek mind megvoltak és változatlan, a hiba ugyanúgy maradt,
these were all present and changed, the error remained the same,
ezt mind megcsináltam, változatlan
please speak english
1. did you downclocked your vRAM?
2. did you downclocked the GPU?
what is ASIC of your card?
1. downclock GPU
2. downclock VRAM
(XFX goes to far with their GPUs - some chips are not good enough to run these OCs)
test again
check if there is a different stock bios available
The BIOS has been updated, so far everything is fine, but approx. You need to turn on the pc 3-4 times to turn on the monitor.
. But there is no signal when the PC starts up.
RAM is on AUTO and not XMP/DOCP?
on every basis, so so far and 6 months ago there was no problem, only when I sent it, the BIOS also updated Windows 10, all the drivers are new, I did not experience pixelation at the moment, I made a mistake, you only need to turn on the pc to turn on the monitor, the monitor has been tested on another pc (works well) only black image, the monitor led flashes as if it was off on the pc
RAM is on auto
unfortunately so far it has been a pleasure, again the image will be pixelated sometimes under windows, the same error, monitor does not give a signal
DONT OPEN 2x the same question - this will make people not want to help you at all!
minden a leírtak szerint és ugyan az a probléma.
in all the ways described and the same problem with the web browser crashes.
gondolom erre, nincs meg oldás vagy egy 6 hónapos VGA-nak igy kell működnie...azaz kuka, nem is veszek többé AMD-t.
i don't think there is a solution or a 6 month VGA should work that way ... i.e. trash, i don't buy AMD anymore.
its more a XFX problem than an AMD problem...
and in your different post i said what to do 😉
and in your various posts I told you what to do --- where to find this (the solution)