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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

RX570 display output freezes periodically; sometimes comes back and sometimes crashes

The error bucket ID is AV_R_INVALID_atikmdag!unknown_function when it causes the blue screen.  I have updated drivers for all devices on the computer.  I had a HD 6970 in the computer previously and it never had the same problem.  The computer will be functioning perfectly fine for a couple days even but then it will lock up(at least on the screen output) and sometimes come back like it never happened or it will crash.  Sometimes it will blue screen and sometimes it will not.  I got the RX 570 secondhand but it seems to function properly when it does not have this problem.  Last time it did this, I went through with DDU and reinstalled drivers.  Still seeing the same problem.  Honestly at the point of doing a clean windows 10(granted the install was only about 3 weeks old before the change over) install and see if that clears it up.  If it doesn't then this card is likely going to be recycled or sold as is(not going to risk it corrupting my other functioning computers that have Nvidia cards), I have a GTX 970 spare right now so I will just switch to it.  First Team Red card I have gotten since the HD 6970 and it is seeming like a mistake now.  Any help or suggestions?  I am open to whatever input others can provide.

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