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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

RX 6700 XT Junction temperature way higher than global temp

Hi, there!
RX 6700 XT Challenger D ASRock AMD Radeon, 12GB GDDR6

My GPU that I bought just 2 months ago is having problems. The junction temperature reaches a 40 C° difference from the general temperature. In some games while the overall GPU temperature is normal at 70C°, the Hotspot temperature stays at 110C°.

My case has 6 fans:
- intake: front and bottom
- exhaust: back and top

I wonder:
how dangerous is this
Since the maximum temperature is 110C, will this affect performance?
Should I trigger the warranty with the store?

I tried contacting AMD Support but the website form it doesnt seem to work, the request keep loadind forever.

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