ever since i built my pc a year ago i felt like it was not performing how it should be, here are the specs:
ryzen 5 2600
sapphire rx 580 8gb
msi b450m pro-vdh max
16gb(2x sticks in dual channel) g.skill aegis ddr4-3000
400 watt bequiet pure power 11 non-modular 80+ gold
240gb ssd
i have tried:
fresh windows install
ddu driver reinstall to 20.11.2 and also tried reverting to 19.12.1
enable xmp, but i ended up disabling it again, because it caused crashes
raise power limit to max in radeon settings
custom fan curve
clean pc for potential thermal throttle
i looked at benchmarks with the same specs and in comparison i have to play pretty much every game on low settings to get about 100 fps with frequent drops to 70 fps while they play on 1920x1080p ultra with 100 fps or more
please do a FireStrike and a userbenchmark run and post result links here 😉
Your PS could/probably be the issue. 400 watt won't supply the necessary voltage. Recommended is a 550watt supply.
Agreed,That PSU.Recommended with the 580 is 500watt Minimum.
ok so i took another look at my gpu and the exact model is the sapphire rx 580 8gb pulse which only has 1 8 pin connector.
i googled how much watt 1 8 pin can deliver and thats about 150 watt which is the same usage im seeing ingame on the amd overlay when the card is under heavy load.
is the psu still a possible culprit?
actually a BeQuiet PurePower 400W could be strong enough - depending on OC of CPU and GPU and what else hardware is used
to be 100% sure you could try a new better PSU - like BeQuiet PurePower 600W (around 90$)
have in mind 20ms powerdraw is not peak power draw
btw did you bought your GPU used?
no i didnt i bought it new
PCIe slot itself can deliver 75W power, the 150W summary is what you get from 6-pin and PCIe. I'd say with 8 pin connector (and steady 225W power delivery, at +50 power limit in settings) the card would keep a bit higher power consumption under heavy load and so a bit higher/stable FPS.
Also, high RAM speed is quite important for Ryzen CPU in some workloads, you probably losing few FPS here too.
as i said - please run a FireStrike and UserBenchMark - so i can see were we stand