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PC Graphics

Adept II

RX 5700 XT Black Screen

I've replaced  my RX480 XT XFX with a new RX5700 XT Red Devil.

At first i had black screens while playing "Division 2". Either at launch or while ingame.

Every other game was fine. Today it happened while playing "Control".

I am also having the same issue with VLC in fullscreen, it begins with stuttering and then crashes into a black screen.
To be sure  i've tested this with another program (kmplayer) and i had the same problem.

Googling the  problem i've found a sollution into it.  By disabling "Radeon Enchanced Sync" the video program does not go black screen or crashing at all. 
I believe this proves it's not a faulty graphic card but it is a software problem.

So now Black Screen appears only in games which sometimes i am forced to shut down my pc simply because nothing else is working (sometimes not even the reboot).

I tried different drivers versions but the problem is the same.

Although i always try to support amd (radeon 7970, rx480) since this is an issue for 5700 series several months now, i would like to ask if someone knows if this covers a refund.


Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 18363) (18362.19h1_release.190318-1202)
System Manufacturer: MSI
System Model: MS-7A78
BIOS: 1.A0 (type: UEFI)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.2GHz
Memory: 16GB RAM
Card name: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT Powercolor Red Devil 8GBD6

Software version:    20.1.3


2 Replies
Adept II

I have reduced the rate of black screen by disabling radeon enchanced sync and variable refresh rate by win10, but the problem keeps happening  now and then. I've also unistalled the latest win10 update which was causing problems.
Has anyone found a solution or some drivers that are more stable?

Adept II

An update on Black Screen,
i've tried so far all the latest drivers. Currently using Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.1 Optional

It seems no matter which drivers i'my using black screen will occur once per day, i'll explain how.

During my first pc power on and while ingame the screen will turn black, no alt tab is working also no sound.

The only way solving this is by press the reboot button on my tower, after my pc is rebooted, i never have another Black Screen during gameplay or browsing the internet. I've been testing this 1 month now.
However if i turn my pc off and leave it off for 2-3 hours, once i turn on my pc and play  approximately  30min-1h gamplay a black screen crash will occur.

I hope this is helpful and perhaps narrowing down the issue.