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Request for Radeon devs: TrueAudio Next, True Audio Technology cross compatability.

There are games both older and current which are make use of AMD TrueAudio Technology and AMD TrueAudio Next respectively. However, these are not cross compatible, so if the game you are playing used TrueAudio Technology, you cannot use TrueAudio with it on a TrueAudio Next GPU.

What I am requesting:

  • an update to TrueAudio Next to add support for the older TrueAudio technology.
  • the ability to emulate TrueAudio Technology on TrueAudio Next GPUs
  • some sort of bidirectional converter tool.


  • it makes no sense for people who have more current GPUs to be unable to enjoy features and experiences that were made for older GPUs and vice versa. (brute force RT for non RT radeon cards anyone?)
  • there are games which make use of TrueAudio Technology which are still playable and enjoyable in the present day.
  • there are current games which support either one (but not both?)
  • The user can enjoy the experiences with the enhanced audio processing (as intended)

What's the point tho? Isn't TrueAudio Technology old? Aren't there better things now?

Yes, but I don't expect the devs of the games that used the old version to update their game to the new version. Especially for decade old titles like Theif, and others that used TrueAudio Technology.

Also can someone post a list of games that actually utlize either one and how it's implemented in this format

<Game>, <TrueAudio>, <Method of implementation> (notes)

For an example, which I do not think is accurate but...

Just Cause 3, TrueAudio Technology, via FMOD (I am pretty sure it doesn't use TrueAudio and just uses FMOD by itself but this is a formatting example)

Star Citizen, TrueAudio Technology?, Wwise or direct implementation? (not sure what it uses or if it does because I do not have any GPUs with TrueAudio Technology, only ones with TrueAudio Next, I also do not have star citizen)

Sattelite Oddssey Prolouge, TrueAudioNext, SteamAudio (used for the HRTF function and some other things like occlusion which works a bit too well)

It would also be interesting to see a tool that allowed one to add AMD TrueAudioNext and AMD Radeon Rays Audio to existing games, especially older games which were more willing to make use of more advanced audio processing or that would benefit from it. (I am still waiting for the Dark and Darker devs to add TrueAudio (both versions) and Radeon Rays Audio with TrueAudio Next indirect audio simulation (essentially a way to get wavetracing but on an AMD system) Games like Half Life 2 (and episodes) and Just Cause 3 for example would be very interesting to have such technology in due to their variety of envrionments, and Dark and Darker would benefit due to its nature as a PvPvE dungeon diving game.

Overall there's a lot of games which would beneifit but I am off topic now..

TLDR: Give TrueAudio Next cross compatability with TrueAudio Technology. Converter tool. Injector tool.

Anyways I am pretty sure all of this is impossible but it would be good to have.

Cyberstorm64 of UNYU
Tessellation Enjoyer.
1 Reply

I've been looking for information on this and this post was the first search result

Hence my request.

Cyberstorm64 of UNYU
Tessellation Enjoyer.