Installed my new Radeon VII I bought from AMD last night and since then have had nothing but issues. First of all, this thing gets to be 105-110 c almost instantly when booting up a game and after about 5-10 minutes it'll always crash. Sometimes the screen goes black, sometimes I lose input signal, and sometimes I'll get horrible highly saturated colors before it ultimately crashes. NOT GOOD!
I have the latest 19.2.2 driver.
Ryzen 7 2700x
16GB DDR4 3000
1TB SSD m.2
Sounds like the gpu and the heatsink aren't making proper contact. Definitely a manufacturing defect. Box it up and send it back. You don't want to risk the possibility of damaging your pci-e slot trying to figure it out.
Thanks, I already requested RMA... Haven't heard back from them yet.
This is actually a fault with the stock cooler not making enough contact with the die, AMD tried to get around the quick manufacturing of this card by using a graphite pad to even out the pretty horrendous machining of the cold plate on the heatsink but sadly even that isn't good enough, I had to sand my cold plate down and properly flatten it out so all of it could make contact with the die to stop my crashing and extremely high temps which dropped by 40'c on the junction.
when i first installed my card upon loading a game temps would hit 110+ i messed around with settings in wattman but nothing helped... i would play a game for a couple minutes then it would crash i started messing around im here three days later now after having my card and temps do not go above 46 even when i bump up the mhz on ram and gpu i even over volted it it does get hotter but for some reason im getting great temps it doesnt crash anymore unless i go to high it will start to get hot or if i go to high on clock it will crash about 10 minutes into a game.. idle temp is 27c in game temps 40-46
I have the same problem