Hey Guys, so I have been running a RX 580 for a few years now and have never had a problem with it until recently.
I only play PUBG, and the problem i have been experiencing recently is that when i am in game, and move my player from left to right using A and D. then there is a really bad glitch or tearing that makes the game stutter and not run smoothly. Moving forward and backwards it does not stutter and runs smoothly and perfectly. But when ever using left or right directional buttons even in in a Diagnonal motion, it gives with stutter. But runs perfectly smooth when going forward and back. I have never had this problem before and it ran PUBG like a dream for the GPU and set up that I Have.
any assistance would be much appreciated as I am no longer enjoying my favorite and only game I play, but am deciding to upgrade and no longer make us of AMD products.