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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Power surge rx 6750xt if game runns in the backround.

I exsperiens a sudden clime of power (a power surge) at my rx 6750 xt if i am in a game and then i press the windows key to do sompfing els and the eplikation (the game) still runs in the backround. Wehn the power surge occurs the used Watts of the graphics card sudently scyrocket from exsampel 120 watts to the max, wehn tis happens the graphics card is making a hihg pich humming noise, but wehn i return into the game it stops agan as fast as it happent. So for conclusion this happesn if the game is running in the background and if i switch back to the game as the main task the humming stopps an the power usige retuns to normal. Reinstalling  the neuest graphics driver did not fix this problem.

I hope this can be fixed in the next update of the adreneline driver, i think that this problem can be very harmfull for a graphics card.

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