Hello good people!
I enjoy collecting old (functioning) hardware (starting with Z80 based home computers) and right now I ended up with 3 socket 7 boards and 4 6x86 CPUs. In order to test things, a video card is more than required but so it happens that i have an old ISA 8bit video card, multiple AGP and of course PCIe video cards but no PCI card. Went up to ebay, bought the first PCI card that popped up (Ati Rage 128 GL on the chip, R128 57401 on bios chip) but now i find out that it's actually a MAC card and it might not work on a PC (it didn't arrive yet but it's on it's way) unless, maybe, I can find and flash a PC bios version of a similar card.
Does anyone have an idea about this ? I found a forum doing exactly the opposite (flashing PC video cards with MAC bios) but their bios archive only contains MAC bios versions.
Thank you in advance,
Once received, provide all info on the sticker on back of the GPU. I might be able to find something. No guarantee though.
Thank you! If you manage to find something, hurray! More chances to debug/repair old motherboards (without having to buy another PCI card). If not, it's fine, the most important part is that you're trying to help (a stranger) and I really appreciate it.
Kind Regards,
Just picked up the card, i'll try to post front/back pictures here.
Let me know if you are able to find any information on it.
Flashing the VBIOS is at your own risk. No liability from our side. Do you accept the risk?
Of course, i got no problem with that and for the price i've bought it.. it's like i never had it, so... let me have it 🙂
On this page all the way at the bottom click on BIOS. No guarantee that it will work. Good luck
VGA Legacy MKIII - ATI Rage 128 GL (vgamuseum.info)
Thanks, i've downloaded the zip archive, it has 2 files but based on the strings inside, those appear to be for the AGP version of the Rage 128GL but my card is the PCI version so unless this is a common version for both PCI and AGP (which i kind of doubt), it will probably not work.
Sorry, I have no PCI version in my archive
That's alright, thanks for trying to help.