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PC Graphics

Adept II

Need A Vega FE Bios

so i have a Vega frontier that i just installed in my main PC. it is giving me the strangest issue. i have a 144hz monitor. initially when i put the card in it seemed to run the monitor at its full refresh rate. but when i installed the driver it made the monitor seem like it was only running at 60hz. after i noticed this i went into display settings to change the refresh rate but i found that it reported that the monitor was running at the full 144hz. next i decided to try and enable free-sync. it enabled no problem but it still looked like the refresh rate was too slow. i decided to downgrade drivers to see if the optional driver was causing the issue but i had the same problem with the latest recommended driver.


after all of this took place i decided to play a game to see how bad it would look, but to my surprise, as soon as i launched a game the monitor started running at the proper refresh rate and everything looked super smooth like it should, and there was zero studder just like there should be.


so what gives? why does the refresh rate work when i play a game but it doesn't work anywhere else?

ive already tried a lot of troubleshooting and i guess my last hope is to get a new bios...

4 Replies


i already looked on techpowerup. the vega fe bios' on the website are all originals. i posted here so i could hopefully get a bios from an amd rep or something but i dont know if that is the best idea.


ive been told that someone named @fsadough  is good at providing this type of stuff to amd customers but whoever they are they havent found my post


Please provide an AMDZ Report. I need to identify the existing VBIOS.

AMDZ Report
- Please extract the available from
- Run amdz.exe file as an Administrator
- Select “Save All“ and “TXT“ as the output format
- Click on the blue button to save the report
- The .txt file will be saved in the same folder where you extracted the zipped file