My monitor is going to sleep after booting. It allows me enough time to enter MSI bios. Does anyone have any suggestions? I pulled the hard drive today and ran a test on it and a bad driver was detected. Could it be that or something more? I've already replaced the power supply and the graphics card.
1. boot into Safe-Mode
2. uninstall GPU Driver
3. reboot
4. install latest driver for your GPU
The monitor goes to sleep before I can enter safe mode. I have DBAN at work. I plan to do a quick wipe of my hard drive and reinstall all of the latest drivers along with Windows 10 v.1709.
I'm suspecting that the bad driver could be the problem.
I stand corrected that my monitor isn't going to sleep. It is actually going to no signal. It did this both with my hard drive as well as without.
What do you mean your monitor goes to sleep? Your PC cant cant to sleep unless it boots into Windows. You maybe experiencing a black screen after post which could be a number of things. If its GPU driver related than Safe Mode should work. Most other problems that would cause the screen to go black is hardware problem like HDD, GPU.
I stand corrected that my monitor isn't going to sleep. It is actually going to no signal. It did this both with my hard drive as well as without.
Then its GPU related. Has nothing to do with HDD.
It could be a driver issue and was a known issue of the gpu driver in the past.
Can you give us your gpu model and the version of the Adrenalin driver you are running on the rig.
Please can you cycle you monitor power when you get the no signal stamp on your monitor and tell me if the image come back.
SAFE MODE uses limited HW access - so all your GPU driver is disabled (mostly) - so IT CANT go into "No Signal" - because it uses same output way as your BIOS/Bootup
btw - there should be a VGA mode - maybe you use a not supported resolution
Have you tried another monitor?
I actually spoke with MSI yesterday and based upon what it's doing it is
the PCI express 16 slots that are damaged. They are checking as to if it's
still under warranty.
also possible
I'm shipping my motherboard out to MSI on Saturday.