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PC Graphics

Adept I

My gpu is using more gpu vram than installed card

I have asus HD-7770 with 2gb card and running it on win10. My system RAM is 16GB. I used radeon overlay performance monitoring and noticed after playing a game for 1 hour it shows around 5 GB RAM usage and 7 GB GPU VRAM usage.  My card has only 2gb so how it is using 7GB ? Is it using system ram or page file. I do not notice any lag or fps drop.

2 Replies

There is additional space in RAM and the Windows page file which stores graphical assets not currently in use for quick access later.

Adept I

is it normal for a game to reach 7-8 GB of vram? Currently Playing Mirror'sEdge Catalyst which keep increasing GPU VRAM usage. It started with 1.5 GB but after one hour of play reach up to 8 GB.  Also At this point game starts freezing for 5-8 seconds during loading of a checkpoint or mission start. My workaround for this situation is to quit the game and restart again after it has consumed 8GB VRAM so that it works smoothly for next 1 hour.