So, I've had this issue for quite a while now in numerous games but its most significant (or atleast feels like) in FPS games such as CS and Valorant. When booting either of these games, my game feels super fluent and my mouse is as responsives as it should be. Though, at some point mid game, my input lag or mouse responsiveness starts to increase gradually to a point where I can no longer play competetively - when rebooting the game the issue is gone but reoccurs quickly.
I have tried millions of fixes from BIOS tweaks to custom ISO's that could possibly help me figure out what is actually wrong with. Different peripherals would not fix this issue either, so at this point I am wondering if this could be a gpu related issue since I used to have quite a bit of issues with my Gigabyte 5700XT.
Hardware wise, I do not have any bottle necks, nor is anything throttling - My temps are great and overclocks are stable (Issue persists to occur even with default Bios and unclocked Card). I am really hoping that anyone here could help me resolve this Issue.
Gigabyte 5700XT, 21.8.1 Mem. 1870MHz, Core. 2080Mh on 1,1V
Ryzen 5 3600, 4,15GHz 1,325V, 1.075V SOC
B450 Gaming Pro Carbon
32GB Ballistix Sports LT, 3800MHz CL16 1,38V
- Neither GPU nor CPU cross 55 degrees ingame