As this twitter states
Where do we get our keys??
Friends and I bought several new ryzen 5000 cpu's including 6000 series gpu over the last month.
Neither of us has received any gamebundle keys for wow shadowlands or Godfall, for that manner far cry 6 as many is also talking about.
When contacting local store, they tell us to contact AMD.
Only certain retailers participate.
Etailers frequently try to get out of sending the codes even if your are eligible, after they sell you the GPU.
Others pretend they are taking part when they are not.
You could always buy the AMD Rewards codes illegally on sale on Ebay.
Reported it to Ebay and AMD before.
Still goes on.
Alternative is install Epic Games Client and get 2 free games a week...
RE: I would like an answer from AMD.
Well then you should open an account with AMD Rewards here:
Read the FAQs here:
Ask for support here:
Last time AMD worker came here to answer, I guess it was a luckshot?
Thanks for the guidance tho, appreciate that.
No problem.
You should go through AMD Rewards.
Are you sure the link to the seller is correct?
I cannot open the website.
Yes I have never seen that site down, there must be something wrong, I'm a daily peak a boo user on that shop
Edit: its down here as well.
Naver by anything that have rewards from 3rd party also check if they offer is still on before you buying them . Also use Amazon for this kind of things because at list you can return it or get something from them.
Amd have website for thier rewards you can check it there Some of the reward you have to install the cpu on your computer first then go to website and then they give your the reward.