Hi Guys,
Currently pulling my hair out trying to sort this so I thought I'd ask for some help! 
My specs are:
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
GPU: RX 5700XT
RAM: 2x Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB 3000MHz in dual channel
I've been trying to run games like Assassins Creed Unity and Assassins Creed Origins but I can't get either of them to work at a playable frame rate. Research online shows that people with the same specs can run these games on ultra with upwards of 90fps, I struggle to get 50 on low with Origins.
I get the feeling that my PC is dramatically underperforming and I can't figure out why.
Any advice?
I'm on the latest Adrenalin drivers and I installed these after first running DDU to remove my old graphics drivers.
Thanks in advance