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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Latest Adrenaline drivers low gpu usage

Hello so first of all I have Intel HD Graphics with AMD Radeon r5 M330. I got into touch with league support for performance issues and after a week of discussion re-installations and upgrade of so many things I'm writing here. My issue is that because of low in-game GPU utilization I get constant drops in framerate when  at some point after 3 mins into the game the usage just drops to 50 when every setting for performance is to maximum and im running the lowest preset setting. After everything I tried using the drivers supplied on the lenovo support page and they use 99% of the GPU but frames are at about 70-80 with hard drops

3 Replies

Please specify what model computer this is and what OS you are using.

I would stick with Lenovo system drivers and make sure that any power-saving functions are turned off or disabled while you are running games. 70-80 frames per second, with some drops, should be plenty playable.


Okay so it's Lenovo B50-80 Intel core i5 5200U  with Intel HD Graphics. And yeah im sure that every power saving setting is set off. And yeah thos 70 fps don't cut it for me first of all because it keeps them at the start of the game and after the third minute mark it drops to 40 fps when before I had 100-120 steady non-laggy gameplay.Now if I use the lenovo drivers I get 70 yeah but the fall to 50 which isn't really good experience at all.Although the GPU is used at 99% it's still laggy.I remember i had amd adrenaline edition drivers which were just awesome I had steady frames and usage but it got autoupgraded to newer version


Do you notice any unusual hard disk activity while you are gaming? I am going to assume that this is a Windows 10 computer...

Also, I would suggest disabling any anti-aliasing or reducing shadow quality and see if that helps with the fps drops. Sometimes, the game will alter the settings automatically when a new driver is installed, especially if the game itself has been updated more recently.