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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Issue Lenovo Ideapad 5 Ryzen 5 Ryzen 7 14ARE05 4600U to 4800U Fps Drop Solution

Guys i think i have found the problem abt LENOVO ideapad 5-14ARE05.

To remind u guys mine is ryzen7 4800U AMD integrated graphic card. 

in other community were explained about the High TDP (39W) using coretemp in this laptop

i was thinking to change the another mode that i havnt tried before. here it is.

Have u guys tried to put the battery to saving mode + conservation mode On???

I tried this settings and at the same time i turn on metric overlay from AMD radeon software to see there is High GPU power. (i remember mine was getting to 30W On dOTA2 and NFS heat Gaming) 


And what i expected is real, that after putting  battery to saving mode + conservation mode On,  the FPS Drop and Thorttling  were gone !!!

My TDP is abt 8-15W on gaming (Before it was 25-32W). FPS 50-90 according to the settings. and i tried to put medium graphic on DOTA 2 and theres no fps drop anymore. 


first i play PUBG than after abt 30min i close the game, and change to DOTA 2, And everything went smoothly.


Just to know that i put battery plugged, and my bedroom temp is 23degree celcius. i dunno if this problem affect the room temp. and i dont use laptop fan pad. 



Guys this is just what i tried. i hope it helps. 

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