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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Is my RX 570 broken?

Hi, at the beginning I want to apologize for mistakes, I do not speak English well.

I have problem with crashes in few games, I mean:

- Assassins Creed Origins - When Intro ends, and game is about to start, I have crash into desktop, without any errors on my screen. It happens every time, I can not even start the game because it's crashing on the intro.

- A way out - Crashes with error "Unreal Engine is existing due to D3D device being lost.", I read a lot of forums and solutions, but it works only on a while. Now i have crashes every time in cutscene and nothing helps.

My PC:


RX 570 4GB

Silentium Vero L2 600w (PSU is not broken, I had Corsair VS 450W, I thought that may be problem, I replaced it with Vero, and still the same.

Drivers updaded.

I'm afraid that is GPU problem. Any ideas? The witcher 3, Far cry 5, FIFA 18 and others games works fine.

2 Replies

I have zero experience with this game, however upon googling your issue found lots of people have issue, even on the green team. This page offers some ideas on fixes for that game. Top Solutions For Assassin's Creed Origins Errors, Crashes, Bad Performance, Not Starting, CPU Usage...

Adept II

Sapphire RX570 8GB user here. Same issue with Assassin's Creed Origins. I wrote about this in this thread: Game Crash! (Driver ver. 18.2.1) .