I can't update the AMD 8670 dedicated card. Every time I update it the PC freezes when restarting !! started after I upgraded the Windows 10 Build in March to the new version 1909. After that I was never able to update the AMD board again without the PC crashing and to make matters worse I can't get back with the Windows system installation to the previous version because I deleted the Windows.old folder a long time ago. Today 10/20/2020 I continue with this problem, uninstalled and installed the AMD Drive in Safe Mode, when I could see this message>

* ERROR 192 - It is not possible to proceed with the installation of Radeon Software because your system RESTRICTED THE ACTIVE INSTALLATION CONFIGURATIONS.
How to proceed? with that I don't update my card's drive, making me use the same one installed in 2015 (AMD Catalyst) with the last update in 2019.>

I am a gamer and I lose a lot in FPS and performance in general with games.