So basically I was doing something in AMD catalyst panel and I've changed some setting that I can't seriously remember but it's related to the monitor, Suddenly the monitor went of input signal is out of range and i can't access the PC anymore, I'm currently on safe mode with networking and i came here looking for a solution since I've got a lot of work to do, Hoping someone would help me finding a solution, At least how to reset the panel settings while on safe mode.
With very little PC information I could only suggest the following advice:
Your probably accidentally changed the GPU's Resolution or Frequency output to one higher than your Monitor's native Resolution or Frequency is.
Go into Windows Setting or Catalyst Control Panel and see if you can change the output to your Monitor's native Resolution or Frequency.
Try resetting your Monitor's settings back to default and see what happens.
If not, you can always uninstall the AMD driver and reinstall again.
Well yeah, it's the GPU setting that I've changed, but currently I'm on Safe mode with networking, Can you explain to me how can i change the output to my monitor's native resolution via windows setting?
Please post your complete PC Information including exactly how you have your Monitor connected to your GPU card and which Port.
If you have a VGA Adapter connected it is possibly you have your Resolution or Frequency set to high for VGA output.
But hard to tell unless you give more information about your PC.
The monitor is connect to the PC by a blue cable, connected into the normal cable place, The graphics card is AMD HD7560D
Okay I see that you are not very familiar with Computers.
Maybe someone else can help you or you can find someone that knows about computers to help you troubleshoot your issue.
I will be difficult to help since you are not very familiar with computers in general.