Graphics Card – AMD RX550 4Gb
Desktop – Lenovo k450e – I upgraded to 750 Watt PSU, added ram and the graphics card
OS – Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bit
Graphics Driver – Adrenalin 18.3.4
Display 1 – Acer K272HL (27" HD) attached by HDMI
Display 2 - Acer K272HL (27" HD) attached by DVI
Motherboard – came with Lenovo system – no info avaiable; BIOS Lenovo I1KT38AUS - 6/10/14
CPU – Intel i7-4790 – 3.6 GHz, 4 Core, 8 Logical Processors
PSU – Powerspec 650W – Model PS 650BSM
RAM – installed 20 GB
Description of Issue:
Using ASUS GPU Tweak II on the above system shows Memory Clock, MHz running at 100% all the time, not just during game play but literally always. It shows GPU Speed at 98% in Silent Mode or 100% in Gaming mode all the time, not just when gaming, during which it goes over 100% but just right now typing this into MS Word.
I have gone down the list in Device Manager and made sure my drivers are up to date by looking up the manufacturer's web site and updating from there, not just the auto-check from Windows.
I usually play Diablo III or Starcraft II. Again, this issue is not just "in game" but when surfing the web, typing a Word Doc...literally ALWAYS.
Before I put in the RX550 4GB I was playing off of just the installed RAM and was not using a GPU the computer ran fine and actually still runs well but the GPU Tweak II says the GPU is maxed out. The Task Manager shows a different story altogether. CPU mostly around 1% while not gaming; System Memory with 7 windows open while I type this at 19%; GPU 0 (Radeon 550 Series) shows 1%.
Attached are a screen snip of GPU Tweak II and Task Manager taken within seconds of each other during the same operating (non-gaming) conditions.
Update: During Starcraft II, Campaign Mode, in game play and during cinematic scenes, Task Manager does show GPU maxing out 100% and causes lags in game play or cinematics. This did not happen before GPU was installed. Leads me to believe the GPU is not functioning correctly? How to check?
Message was edited by: Charles Townsend
It's showing that it's running at full speed, not that it's being used to its full capacity. Run Malwarebytes and/or Spybot, make sure you don't have a cryptovirus.
This is almost a brand new install of everything from the OS up. I just installed and ran Malwarebytes and Spybot on your suggestion, they found nothing. I also have Enterprise level McAfee running "On Access" live scans.
This is not a cryptovirus issue.
The ASUS GPU Tweak II shows 100% Memory clock usage on a blank desktop with nothing running while the Task Manager shows 0-1% usage. The GPU Tweak shows 100% GPU Speed on a blank desktop with nothing running while the Task Manager shows GPU at 0-2% usage.
The only time they both agree is in game when Task Manager also shows GPU at 100% and during that period the GPU Tweak shows a steadily increasing Temp and higher VRAM usage. I'm considering testing by removing the GPU and watching the Task Manager during game play to see RAM usage.
I didn't used to have this issue of games freezing up until I installed the RX550 4GB.
What version of Windows 10 are you on specifically? What version #? ie. 1709? I ask because all you said is enterprise and I know that some enterprise solutions are use older LTS versions and in those cases the latest versions of the drivers may not be playing nice with the older OS. The AMD drivers very much require a fully up to date Windows installation. Not saying yours isn't, saying you didn't say.
Windows version 1709 (OS Build 16299.371)
I would uninstall Asus Tweak II which can be somewhat incompatible with AMD Wattman, even if Wattman is not activated.
I would use strictly Wattman or HWMonitor to double check the GPU Usage.
RX 5xx series cards have been known to run at maximum if "Relive" components are active. This is how you can check to see if "Relive" is the problem or not.
hamburg Dec 21, 2017 1:43 PM (in response to berndh)
Finaly! Thx a lot! I thougt i am the only one!
At HWMonitor, i have, from time to time, 100% and max GPU-Clock. After a few tests i did find the Problem:
Firefox + Youtube (Only Fullscreen) + ReLife-Host/Desktop task.
I did not have ReLive installed, but i have 17.12.2.
After killing the ReLive task... 0% GPU use.
How can i turn ReLive off ?
I did rename the .exe ... but its just a workaround ?! (amddvr.exe + amdow.exe)
or the only way?
Win10 64Bit
Firefox 57.0.2
XFX 580 😧 17.12.2
Use Task Manager to "End Task" of all the Relive components and see if the RX goes to normal.
I uninstalled Tweak II and used Task Manager to End Task on Relive (both applications).
I then pulled up Diablo III, only to the character selection/start game screen.
In the WattMan readout below the three green jumps near State 0 & State 1 are the boot processes of Diablo III. As soon as the game was fully booted to the character selection screen (seen below) the GPU usage line jumps to 1130MHz and stays there, during those jumps Task Manager says 100% GPU usage. The dips are where I switched out of the Diablo window to the Desktop and back. With the processor and ram and gpu that I have I would expect that I have far exceeded even the recommended game requirements of Diablo III and I get this same type of response in Starcraft II.
Graphics Card – AMD RX550 4Gb
Desktop – Lenovo k450e – I upgraded to 750 Watt PSU, added ram and the graphics card
OS – Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bit Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134 (1803)
Graphics Driver – Adrenalin 18.3.4
Display 1 – Acer K272HL (27" HD) attached by HDMI
Display 2 - Acer K272HL (27" HD) attached by DVI
Motherboard – came with Lenovo system – no info avaiable; BIOS Lenovo I1KT38AUS - 6/10/14
CPU – Intel i7-4790 – 3.6 GHz, 4 Core, 8 Logical Processors
PSU – Powerspec 650W – Model PS 650BSM
RAM – installed 20 GB
The issue is still that I cannot play ANY game with this graphics card despite it exceeding the requirement specs of the games. For example: Diablo 3 says:
This system far exceeds that so I should be able to play easily with even the highest settings but I max out the GPU in Task Manager on even the lowest settings:
This Task Manager was captured at the same time that this Diablo Options window was being displayed. I have already applied those LOWEST settings.
Any new ideas would be much appreciated.
Try using just one monitor and see if it makes any difference. According to this website: :
This graphics card was designed and marketed towards the competitive MOBO gamers. A light weight, small form factor GPU solution that offers mobility, so that gamers travelling to events can bring a smaller cheaper gaming rig. The Radeon RX 550 4GB can play most modern games at medium graphics selection on a 1600p screen res and expect around 45+FPS
It is possible that the RX 550 is simply not strong enough to run today's modern games without being fully loaded. It is a inexpensive card that can be used for gaming but under certain configurations.
This website shows what games the RX 550 can play and how well.: Graphics Card Comparison | GPU Information
This was worth a shot. I unplugged my secondary monitor and adjusted the Display settings to "show only on Monitor 1." The below is the screen of Diablo 3 Options in-game in Windowed view and Task Manager running behind it. This solution did not help. Thanks for the effort elstaci .