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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Ghost Recon Breakpoint, weak performance with RX 480 8GB

Can't get past the 35 fps, no matter the resolution nor the graphic's settings

My Rig:

i5 6600 (non k)

Rx 480 8GB


Its been runing pretty much almost every game at medium/high settings, with 60fps stable at 1080p (Witcher 3, GTA 5, even the under-optimized Wildlands...)

Suddenly, everyone is enjoying this game but me. 

My GTX 960 gets better frames than my RX, and what gets me mad is that this game was optimized for AMD components, AND my radeon is supposedly THE recomended GPU for this game.

Is there something wrong with my GPU or is it just bs this whole amd optimization?

13 Replies

The problem with so called recommended spec is compared to what? They don't usually say. Are they saying with recommended it will get you 30 fps at 1080p? They don't say. To me personally I would call 1080p 30 fps to be a minimum but you will still see some minimums relating to 720p.  So recommended can be a very arbitrary thing. I agree with you to me it should mean at 1080p it runs at least around 60fps and is smooth.

I don't want to go pointing fingers undeservedly but it may have nothing to do with any hardware or drivers and simply another game that isn't optimized as it should be upon release.

Just because one team sponsors a game doesn't always mean it will run better. Battlefield V for instance is a green team sponsored game and they were tripping over themselves trying to up the performance on the green cards because it was so much better on red cards.

I would ask you performance questions in gaming forum and see if others are experiencing the same with this game.

I would also ask the game makers support site and open a ticket with AMD about the performance issue: 

Hopefully they can offer some real advice or another user has already tackled this issue and will know what to tell you here.

Good Luck!


Rock Paper Shotgun has a performance guide for this game that may help you:

Ghost Recon Breakpoint PC performance: Get the best settings and fastest speeds | Rock Paper Shotgun 

Adept II

I also have craptastic performance with Breakpoint, have a pair of R9 390's.  Disabled crossfire, get 32fps @ 5820x1080...  0% GPU usage with in game benchmark, and FPS monitor...  Tried latest drivers, and there were worse than prior win 10 qualified drivers.  I think the game was sent out in a broken state, and they are busy playing "catch up" with everything that is wrong with it...


Seems to be what is happening with all games as of late. I think they have to ship something to make the bean counters happy but the bean counters don't get how much harm it causes the games success then they don't want to fund good games anymore. Gears 5 is pushing out lots of updates trying to fix that mess. It took months to get Anthem playing right and now that it does it looks like they have abandoned it. Battlefield V was a mess and is now got a great update and is playing well, luckily it has a big enough base it should live. The game companies have got to stop releasing beta games.


I have agree, several games have been atrocious for being released before most of the bugs were ironed out.

My thrift store RX 480 8GB has been eye opening with VRAM in 64-bit games. The GTX 1060 only has 3GB so it appears I was spinning my wheels with so little VRAM. Now those greedy 64-bit games can take what they want at 4K HDR.

Destiny 2 was on before coming to steam so on launch day the game exploded as it leaped to #3 at last look on the popular list. I have played it a lot and they game is excellent. Bungie did a fabulous job with it.

The Gears 5 discussion on steam is outright nasty with complaints over the game crashing all the time. Scapegoating the drivers is not necessarily the problem. My RX 480 is mature so no driver problems for me. Gears 4 was another piece of work.

More eye opening is that many independant games have better support than big shops. Many of my Steam friends are developers and I get games for testing on my 4K LG panel. With my expert guidance many independant games are not so bad after some bug bashing.

Adept I

6 months later and I am currently dealing with this issue. My system is a bit higher than the recommended Ultra 4k, but I got crappy performance.

At first I set it only on High 4k and the framerate was hovering on 25-50. I thought probably the game is heavy so I turned down some settings. But doing so still gave me the exact same frame rate. Until I went down to Medium 1080p and I still got the same low frame rate. What the hell...

I tried installing the game on my laptop with GTX 970m which can only run it on 1080p medium, and I got some 30-40 fps. Damn my laptop performs better than my bigger PC.

I can only find one answer on reddit, that someone upgraded the RAM and boom it goes normal. He concluded that his RAM was the bottleneck. But my laptop is still DDR3 how can it performs better than my DDR4 PC? Haven't tried to upgrade my RAM though, I don't feel like spending money on a new RAM just for one game.

Anyone found a solution?


I am using 32GB of RAM and so far games have not choked on it.


I am using 16GB and although I believe 32GB won't make any games choke on it I think 16GB is still more than enough.


imjune wrote:

I am using 16GB and although I believe 32GB won't make any games choke on it I think 16GB is still more than enough.

Only reason I have 32GB is the price fell on the G..Skill Flare X so I grabbed 4x8GB


Screenshot (1).png

Please look at the screenshot carefully. Left side dual RAM, right side single RAM. You can see the big difference in percentage. Do you have dual RAM? Also this game seems stringent for RX 580. FPS values are very low.


I am using dual channel and using GTX 1080 Ti. I still believe the problem is not in my hardware because it can run other games just fine.


If RX580 can give around 30 FPS with dual RAM, you should be able to get 60 FPS (or more). If you can't get 60 FPS, you might have a different problem. The game is already problematic. It gives very low FPS.


Exactly. Not just performance issue, after a few days of playing I just found out that my drone should be able to mark enemies, but I can't do it. Some people also had this issue and there's still no patch yet.