Hey Guys. First of all sry for my bad English, i hope its good enough to explain my issue. Im playing Black Desert Online with a 9700k and a RX 5700 XT. In The Game its recommendet to get high FPS, because more FPS means more Damage. I Hate this Feature but well its a Part of it (hopefully they bring up a Cap). My Problem is the following: With deactivating G-Sync on a Nvidia G.card, its posible to get a higher Frame Rate as your Monitor can show up. For Example i have 144Hz Monitor, with my old 1080 i was able to get over 144 FPS with deactivating GSync and my Speed Ingame was higher. With switching to a AMD GPU im unable to go higher as my Monitor can show up. Settings ingame are not available to deactivate G-Sync / Freesync. What means u can only go into the Driver Settings and set Freesync etc off. I testet every Setting to get Freesync deactivatet or well fix the FPS Cap, but all i did didnt worked at all. Does anyone have a idear to change this issue? I dont want to go back to Nvidia