Ive taken the liberty of tracking down the files associated with the black screens/blue screens/stuttering/reboots/reboot loops. Here are 2 screenshots from the dump files showing what they are. Both windows files as well as AMD drivers. And instead of Microsoft blaming AMD and AMD blaming Microsoft....how about you guys working together to fix all our issues here. I bought this card on black friday, so its been a month. And I cant even game or do anything with this pc because of this. 

I have run Deployment Image Servicing and Management, I have run sfc scan. All windows file are clean and correct. I have cleaned using both AMD driver removal utility as well as DDU. Ive tried all 3 latest drivers, 19.12.1 19.12.2 19.12.3 all exhibit exact same behavior. You can be doing nothing sitting idle on desktop leave for a moment come back and no signal/black screen. Gaming crashes the fastest(due to more stress on gpu of course). It happens continually yet at random times. It can 2 minutes after bootup, it can be 40 minutes after bootup. So as of now we all own $400+ paper weights. And alot of us just bought these cards or got them for Christmas. I would appreciate a statement from an AMD rep as to the current state of these issues and when it will be addressed. This is beyond disgusting. And I urge all community members with these issues to post screenshots of their crash dump reports as well.
Win 10 64
Intel I7-3930K
Sapphire Pulse 5700 XT 8gb (currently rolled back 19.12.1)
G.Skill DDR3-1600 4x4gb(16gb)
Asus Rampage IV Gene