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PC Graphics

Adept II

Dual Video cards for Triple monitor

I've got an RX5700 (non-xt) and three monitors. AMD Rysen 7-3700x on B550 board. Monitors are two Viewsonic XG2402 and an XG2705. So all FreeSync, DisplayPort,144mhz, 1080p. I'm finding that three monitors running on my single card just doesn't work so well. I'm wondering if I might be better off adding an RX480 or better and connecting the two 24" monitors to it. Then leaving just the 27" on the RX5700. I'm so not looking for crossfire. Anyone out there try a similar configuration and can report?

4 Replies

"I'm finding that three monitors running on my single card just doesn't work so well."

Out of curiosity, what is the issue?


Are you using Windows Settings  to configure all 3 monitors or are you using AMD Eyefinity to do that?

So all 3 monitors are connected using DP at 144mhz @1080p, correct?

How do you have the monitors setup currently? All three acting as one Display (Extended) or all three with a separate Windows Desktop (Duplicate)?

If you are using Windows Setting you might want to try using AMD Eyefinity which has more choices or selections. But not really famaliar with Eyefinity.

Maybe lowering the Monitor's Hz from 144Mhz to 120Mhz might improve the situation. The higher the Hz is the more Bandwidth it uses I believe.


My problem is certain activities will studder, or the machine will freeze up for several seconds. A typical day might be watching a video on monitor 2, with remote desktop on 1 and a low-powered game on 3.

All three are controlled my Windows, not Eyefinity, as three separate displays, extended. So no duplication. Hz change made no difference.

Adept II

I installed a 2nd GPU, an nvidia GT730/4GB as a secondary to my AMD 5700. I told Windows 11 to specifically use the GT730 for Chrome. Things have gotten much better since then. I'm only using the Windows 11 driver from Microsoft, not an Nvidia driver. The device ID of this card is borked and the nVidia installer doesn't find the card because of it.