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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Drivers 20.11.2 and 20.12.1 both fail, No Options to Rollback

I have had this issue since I installed my 5700 XT in October 2020. There is a constant WattMan fail error, which causes a black screen crash using any application on the computer, there isn't a repeatable action that causes this. So normally this means time for a new driver, enter 20.11.2. When I attempted to install this driver using the AMD Software Installer I constantly get a Chipset Install Failed error at the end. It does not matter if I am doing a clean install or not. So I attempted to use the "optional" version 20.12.1. This led to a driver timeout error, which so far has not cleared and the card is not currently running. I attempted to rollback the driver, but you guessed it, "Chipset Install Failed."

Windows update won't try to update this driver even if I uninstall it, and computer restarts aren't working. Is there a secret handshake I'm missing or am I going to have to buy a different card?

2 Replies

Do you mean AMD Graphics driver or AMD CHIPSET Driver.

I looked at AMD CHIPSET package for X570 motherboard, as an example,  and there weren't any CHIPSET with those versions only as the latest version.

But the latest AMD Graphics driver package is Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.12.1 . If you need to downgrade the driver to a previous AMD Graphic driver then go here:

You need to use DDU in Safe mode (Best method) or on in Windows Desktop with the internet disconnected. Also delete C:\AMD folder in the Root directory. After DDU reboots back into Windows Desktop after finishing then with the internet still disconnected install the AMD Package that you want to install.

If it installs successfully, again delete C:\AMD folder to gain space and to prevent future conflicts.

If you were trying to update your Motherboard's CHIPSET then you need to go here to download the correct CHIPSET Package from AMD download page:

Screenshot 2021-01-12 143542.png




I am referring to the graphics driver. I guess I wasn't entirely clear about the issue either. I have had random WattMan crashes since installing the card using every driver version since 20.8.2. The latest two are having the Chipset Install Failed and driver timeout errors.

I have done factory reset installs, used the DDU in safe mode, and physically and logically disconnected my network. There is no rhyme or reason as to why the install will or will not work.