Ryzen 3600
16GB ddr4 3600mhz - checked it with mem tool, no issues
graphics: rx5600xt
MB: tomahawk max b450
Now, the problem has been persisting for over a year, I've been digging around like crazy trying to find a solution (complete reinstall, updating bios and vbios, DDU, old and new drivers, cru etc.) nothing has solved the issues, yesterday i had 4 crashes in a row, also can't RMA the card as an unlucky incident happened with the receipt.
The issue occurs at random times in random applications, be it while browsing the internet or playing games, the screen goes black or freezes, and the mighty driver timeout pops up, sometimes it just dies without the driver timeout warning and my FPS goes from 240 capped to 120 capped and it stutters insanely.
If anyone knows anything, it would be a great help.
Use GPU-Z Button Lookup (included in the FurMark benchmark) to check the manufacturer-specific data of your graphics card and compare it with the standard settings of the Radeon driver. Just load the Radeon graphics driver without adrenaline software and, like me, use the MSI Afterburner with my RX5700XT. I saved the manufacturer's specifications in profiles and tested them with FurMark and in games such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Gears 5 (KT from 2100 to 1350; KV from 1184 to 1100), and thus run crash-free with over 60 FPS on my HP w2207h 1680: 1050 / 60 Hz. When you reduce the core clock, you should also lower the core voltage and activate everything in the Afterburner with the voltage settings in user mode - reference design. After a crash with restart, the Radeon driver restores the default setting, so correction is necessary.
Thanks for the response I'll check it out and we'll see 🙂
I'm having the same issues here too, it's the video drivers causing the issue. I'm running 3 monitors using all the video outs of the card and is experiencing driver lock ups like crazy. From freezing on watching youtube videos to Facebook page running a video causing a freeze. I can't even edit a video on Adobe Premier without my system crashing, I've even trying the optional drivers on the website but those made things worst. Win+Shift+B doesn't restart the video drivers, everything else is still working as you can enable keyboard accessibility options, and hear audio coming out of the speakers.
System Spec:
AMD Ryzen 3900x
ASrock Taichi X570
64GIG GSkill Neo
Video Drivers just crashed on me again while I was watching Anime online.
Computer non responsive had to hard reset, as Win+Cnt+Shift+B doesn't work, Had to hard reset and uninstalled Radeon drivers using AMD Drivers Uninstallation program, and reboot. Installed the display drivers only without the AMD software, by updating through Device Manger. Will have to install Afterburner so I can overclock once this is stable.
Computer just crashed again with just the basic drivers installed. I'm thinking this has to do with my multi-monitor setup, something is triggering the driver to be disable. I had to re-enable the driver in device manager and reboot for the drivers to kick back in.
Man, all of the things you stated happen to me also, to the T, same issues...
Overclocking in particular causes problems with the Radeon graphics cards, because the Radeon graphics driver is probably not static, but intervenes until the WattMan error occurs with a black screen and restart. With my RX5700XT, the only thing that helps is reducing the core clock and core voltage for most games with the exception of Doom Eternal. It is the graphics machines of the games that make the difference here and of course the Radeon driver, caustic!
An update.
2 days crash-less, hoping it will continue like this.
Uninstalled the driver again, installed it offline in safe mode, ran like usual with crashes and all, until one day when it decided to literally delete itself, just poof, gone, the pc didn't even recognize i had a GPU. Then i cleaned everything again, installed the driver through adrenaline and it seems to be stable so far.
Maybe windows or the installer itself has a bug or something so it didn't install the driver properly?
With my RX5700XT I had to find that WattMan occurs with a connected restart even at maximum core clock 2100 and core voltage 1200, with KT 2010/1905 and KV 1200 all games run stably. Actually that can only mean that the voltage is not sufficient for 2100MHz. It is astonishing that my graphics card needs 2x8Pin PCI Express power connection with 220 watts of power consumption. I can't even reach 2100 MHz in FurMark, at most around 1900 with full graphics power.