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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Dead by Daylight stuttering on XFX RX 6700XT

Dead by Daylight is the ONLY game that suffers from stutters on this card. I've ran Apex Legends, Overwatch 2 and Rise of the Tomb Raider at max settings all of whom had zero problems whatsoever. It stutters very badly on launch, right after the Stranger Things cutscene, and will go as low as 4 FPS (that I've seen) and 236 ms frametime - it isn't normal. It'll also stutter on loading into a match and doing virtually any action within the game whether that's walking around, hitting a survivor, breaking a wall, etc. It's especially awful when I play Xenomorph and use its tail attack - my game will straight up freeze for a whole second upon doing so. Going in/out of a tunnel (Xenomorph power) will also induce similar stuttering. Flamethrower spraying me will also induce similar stuttering. Basically, the game stutters a lot and is otherwise extremely smooth. It almost feels like I need to "warm up" my game in a custom match because the stutters get progressively erased as I play more. Why is this happening? Temps are okay and GPU utilization is okay as well. I do not have FreeSync enabled (incompatible monitor)

- i9-9900k
- XFX RX 6700XT
- 16GB DDR4 3200

Things I've tried:
- Clean Windows 10 install w/ clean drivers install (using DDU) to remove prior NVIDIA drivers
- Updating chipset and BIOS
- Mouse polling rate from 1000 to 500 (I've read that it fixed someone's issues online, but it didn't fix mine lol)
- Disabling apps on startup as well as Windows' background apps, Game Mode on/off
- Launching DbD in both DX11 and DX12 modes
- Enabling Smart Access Memory and likewise, disabling it
- Reseating my GPU + relinking my PCI cables
😎😎😎😎- Min Frequency 100 lower than Max Frequency
- Radeon Anti-Lag on/off
- Radeon Chill for more consistent framerate
- PCI speed Auto > Gen3 (don't have Gen4 somehow? Thought I would lol)

Basically, I've somewhat tried it all by now. Nothing has worked. I'm looking for more ideas so please throw any at me. It's driving me crazy how it's the only game where this happens. It makes no sense to me either

2 Replies
Journeyman III

I found the culprit, perhaps? My GPU utilization isn't as fine as I thought it was, with it being < 50% most of the time, even on Ultra settings. I'm no computer expert but I know that the higher the GPU usage, the better. Should it be a lot higher? I mean, the game isn't that demanding for my specs. I've also noticed that my GPU clock speed dips to basically 0 when the stutters occur. Could this be why? It doesn't seem like Adrenalin's Manual Tuning works, but what do I know. It's not a CPU bottleneck issue either because like I said, I'm able to run far more modern titles at max settings without a problem (and 99% GPU usage). Temps remain completely fine so it's not overheating. So, my question is, why's this happening to this game particularly and not other ones?

Journeyman III

Hello you found a solution?.

I have the same stutter problem in dead by daylight with rx 6700xt

I  found something, not a solution but part of problem.

The game stutter because ''Shader cache?'' i already try everything i can, dx11 , 12, Dxnavi disable  etc etc.

Nothing work.

the only 1 thing was work is Make ''the shader cache'' in custom matchs, Example: you use 1 killer with bots do all they animations like, kick gens, walls, slash, power, etc etc.

when you make all the things with all the killers in the killers perspective, you have to do with Survivors, but you can't do by yoursell, you need to play with stutters in survivor mode.


I dont if you have a solution apart from this, if you have, please, tell me.

I leave this game because the stutters After new patch, new drivers, make me do all again