Download the Ryzen 4500U AMD VGA driver directly from here and install and see if it is works or not:
I believe this is the HP SUPPORT download page for your HP laptop:

It is best to use HP OEM AMD VGA Driver first just to make sure everything work fine and no more errors in Device Manager plus HP OEM AMD driver is 100% compatible and it is fairly new - October 2022.
Click on "Detect my Drivers " first and see which drivers are updated on your laptop. If the AMD Driver isn't updated than manually download the driver and install it.
NOTE: Make sure to delete the AMD Driver Installation folder at C:\AMD BEFORE installing the AMD driver again each time to prevent conflict or incompatibilities.
NOTE: The reason why you can't change the resolution is because the AMD Driver is disabled so most likely you are using Microsoft Basic Display adapter. But you should be able to change the resolution in windows settings - Display when using MS Basic Display adapter driver.
Also run GPU-Z to see if your AMD driver is correctly installed after you install the HP OEM AMD VGA driver and also for the 4500U AMD driver afterwards if you decide to do that also.