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PC Graphics

Adept II

Btf5 crash to desktop 7900xt and my solution

Just in case more people run into crash to desktop on round change in Battlefield 5:

Try downgrading to January drivers. The latest February drivers will NOT run btf5 on my system.

1 Reply
Adept II

Solution to older drivers only reduced problems.
textures missing

constant crashes

heavy noise, even when boost reduced to base speed

very very very poor real world performance

Going to get a 4080 and return the 7900xt, i do not have the time to sit through slideshows, crashes, total corrupted video images.  AMD really needs to step up their game, cause i think this 7x00 series seriously hurt their reputation. Not good for competition! We need good AMD cards or nvidia will get a monopoly, which will be very very bad for us all.