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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

Audio Stuttering RX6600

My computer previously had a configuration with a Ryzen 5600g and 16gb of ram 3200hz, I used it for gaming and daily use, it always worked fine. After upgrading with an EAGLE GIGABYTE RX6600 card, I noticed that in older games there are always small audio glitches, a momentary absence that soon returns, sporadically, without affecting FPS performance. In current games, the card works very well, with no audio glitches. Searching the internet, I saw that many users go through this too, but I didn't find a solution that worked for my case. I would like to know if there is any suggestion for a solution. 

PS: Sorry my english, in learning proccessCaptura de tela 2023-06-19 180044.pngCaptura de tela 2023-06-19 180157.pngCaptura de tela 2023-06-19 180255.png

2 Replies
Journeyman III

Could you fix it? I have the same issue 😞


Yes, I did! Basically I have a 4k resolution monitor, but because I'm used to the proportion of letters and icons in full HD I always used 1920x1080. I simply started using windows at the 4k resolution setting, since then all games work fine, as long as windows is at the highest resolution of the screen I'm using