Firstfull, I'm sorry if u'll find some mistakes in this text (I'm non-english native speaker). I just wanna know why my computer lagging in games?
Processor: Intel Xeon X3470
Motherboard: Asus P7-H55-M
GPU: Asus RX 570 4GB
Power: Huntkey V-power 550W
HDD: Samsung 320Gb
RAM: 13Gb DDR3 1333MHz
Two month ago when i bought card RX 570 4Gb and started to play CS:GO my avarage FPS was 221. Now, I haven't changed nothing, but have avarage 91 FPS. Ninety One! Hen I'm playing there is some statters and microfreezes all time. How i should test it? How i can find what is wrong? In Radeon Adrenalin software 20.2.1 turned off all graphics settings, setted minimal graphics in game. But nothing helps. The same results on HIGH and LOW qualities.