Cant seem to get the R270 x to install....
Just upgraded from a LGA 1155 to AM4, couldnt get win 7 to work as it requires a lot (usb 3 uefi)
So i upgraded to Win 10 but cant seem to get the 270x to install.....

The Drivers I have tried are both of these

Strange thing is that if i install a Nvidia Titan X Maxwell with these drivers.....
The new AM4 works played games....But because i only have a bronze PSU with non-japanese capacitors
im upgrading to a Gold PSU in a couple of months, so just wish to use the r270x till then

Could it be that the AMD drivers are not installing because of these problems in Device Manager

As i didnt have any problems with Nvidia, or is it that the r270x doest work, or is not supported by AM4
because it too old, which in that case i can get rid of it sooner