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PC Graphics

Journeyman III

AION sttutering when Massive PvP happens

I have a Ryzen 3 2200g
MSI Motherboard B350M Pro-VH Plus
HyperX Memory  2 8G  2666 rated
GigaByte GTX 1050 2gb Video card
Kingston SSD 240 gb
Seagate 1 GB HDD

I used to had a single 8g ADATA memory module and the system worked fine...
a bit laggy but it was playable
I added a 2nd stick, but I went and bought 2 HyperX 8g Memory modules
Cos I though it would be an improve, now every time there is a siege, or more than 50+ PvP chars on screeen
It Froze, stutters, Go black screen for seconds or sometimes minutes, until either:
1.- I get kill and my char is no longer attacked
2.- Huge group of players move away from me.


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